I have 2 questions for the Amy Schumer apologists.

10  2016-01-27 by nolasen



Person: "Hey, Amy you have the same routine as Patrice Oneal/Wendy Liebman/Tammy Pescatelli/Kathleen Madigan."

Amy: "I love those guys. But, I've never heard their routines."

Person: "You opened for all of them."

Sorry I didn't catch someone's comedy central special from 2006, I was too busy being on the road opening for that someone while they were working out the material for that special. DUH, I have so much material to come up with and am under so much pressure why would I steal? Don't you get it?

I'm soooo careful, except for the 4, 7, 28, 54 times I wasn't.

If she's a student-she knows the material. If she doesn't know the material- she's not a student.

If it's throw away lines- the comic delivering them is hack. If she's a once a generation genius- she wouldn't use such hack lines, especially in important work like a HBO special and their won Comedy Central show. At Banana's in Poughkeepsie sure, but not in important work. (and being such a student would know they are hack anyway)

What a paradox. No Occam's razor here. Far simpler to balance the logic between these contradictions than to realize bad thievery.

she's a hack, and she's a thief, simple.

If these jokes are so obvious then there must be an equal number of cases of people 'accidentally' performing Schumer jokes several years later. Or is it like banks, where all the accounting 'mistakes' typically just benefit them and not the customer. HAARP?

There is only two options; A) She's a joke thief, or B) She is just hack and tries to pick over the barren corpses of premises that have ben beaten to death by hundreds already. The most recent evidence is definitely pointing towards A. Either way this portly jizz bucket should be publicly shamed, but she"ll get away with it , it will blow over, and she will put out more insufferable diarrhea and pass it off as comedy to millions of soft headed dolts.

You can't reason with the unreasonable. These people are total fucking dolts.

haha well done....listening to the whole song

I thought it was going to be get over it

And they have nothing lol

Am I the only one that took the "at the clubs with a pad" as a back-handed complement? He was saying she steals, wasn't he?

It's certainly an odd thing to say in her defense considering that when Jim Norton was defending her, he described how the "real" joke thieves would do things like sit in the audience with a pen and paper, taking notes when other comedians would be on stage doing their act.

I was pretty sure that's exactly what it meant.

wrong subreddit

I have 3 questions

  1. Do you like peckahs
  2. How have peckahs affected your life
  3. If you could be a peckah which one would you be

1) my own yes. I'm indifferent to the rest.

2) Mine helps me make wee and makes me feel good when I tickle it. No tumors yet. So in all 100% positively to this point.

3) I would be my own of course.

It depends on your definition of hack for part 2. I don't think Amy Schumer is a comedian who puts out amazing bit after amazing bit, she definitely relied on a female reaction to stock jokes in her most recent work (in part because feminist pleasing media takes one female comedian and just launches them into the stratosphere artificially). However, my biggest thing is to say I DON'T KNOW. I hated Mencia from the jump so I was frothing at the mouth to believe accusations about him (Cosby bit being really egregious), but even in retrospect the Mexicans building the wall on the Mexican border premise is comedic premise number one in reaction to a wall between America and Mexico. I think the Patrice/sex moves I heard when I was 9 are obviously not joke theft, the bits on her show I have no way of proving she wrote, and the stuff piling up is definitely building up the questions. I just acknowledge that I'm not really qualified to know anything since I've never done stand up, and that in both of these situations I'm going to go off of the opinions of stand ups smarter than me who I respect (keeping in mind who has skin in her Hollywood game).

Whats that thing called where you argue against a point no one made?

Find me a defense of Schumer that isn't one of these. From her it's 99% of the time "I never saw this material" and from other comics it's the "It's throw away material".

None of them are here in this sub, homie. Go out and propagate. Actually Big Jay and Soder said it's a matter of people not understanding how comedy works. And before you rebutt that statement to me I dont care, go call their show and talk to the people who said it.

I just pass the points. Anyone is welcome to take them. It's a very simple thing of calling them out on two things in which they want them both conflicting ways to defend Amy. Regardless of the truth of the matter, it can't be both at the same time.

I don't listen to their show. I don't have time to call. Everything I post I do in passing maybe taking 2 min at a time out of my day.

I have no delusions of grandeur. I realize posting here is just throwing it into the ether. I saw Norton at one point posted about this on here. That I suppose was my Hail Mary to make contact. But I have no expectations.

But again, anyone who wants to put in the time and effort to post elsewhere, tweet, or call a show with these points be my guest.

That's very noble that you're passing the heavy burden of the torch of guy who wont call a radio show but makes posts accusing the people who dont post in the sub of doing things. Thankyou for your service.

You're welcome. I stated my simple logic. Anyone can regurgitate it. Not sure what I accused anyone of. My point was simply based deductive logic and pointing out blatant contradictions in the arguments I've heard.

stop crying please

Everyone doesn't believe both those things. I don't think she's a genius or anything special in the comedy world.

Tammy didn't invent that concept. Patrice did a street joke. And the sketches are obvious routes.

All that said the volume does look bad. But I think if you combed through anyone's material and cross referenced with everything you'd find this from all comedians.

That's not stealing.

Those quotes were nearly verbatim from Maron, and especially Vos and Bonnie's second to last podcast. I love Bonnie, and I remember her in a very early, like one of the first, Vos/Bonnie podcasts referring to Amy ripping her off. But in the second to last episode she specifically went off saying Amy surpassed Seinfeld's success, Ramano etc.

And I welcome you to find similar jokes and volume of jokes from Carlin, who's material spanned nearly half a century.

Rogan made that point long ago when exposing Mencia and Leary. You don't see people lining up to jump the true greats.

I can't speak for those people. I don't think she's that great. And I don't think the jokes she stole were jokes or stolen.

She might be a genius at marketing herself.

Assuming you watched the videos, I simply don't know what to tell you then. However you wish to phrase the definition of the content (joke/but/line) it is the same. The most egregious probably being the skit in the store. How that isn't considered the same is beyond me.

The skit at the store is the most incriminating thing. I can't be so sure of it. And maybe, just maybe, where there is smoke there is fire. But the way a writing room works, I'm not sure. I imagine even more so for a sketch show.

I love the "she has writers" defense. I'm sure there's a "too big to fail" joke somewhere there but I'm dumb on a good day so...yeah.

And where does the writer excuse fit in with the HBO special material? Again, I missed all this sort of criticism of Carlin (what, 20 HBO specials?).