Do you think Amy Schumer is doing better than us right now?

1  2016-01-27 by lostsludge



Are you kidding me? She's living the ugly fat girl's dream right now.

Lots of money, dudes falling over left and right trying to defend you, everyone treats your horseshit as "girl power".

I'd like to be friends with J-Law she sends pictures of her box to people.

nude Jude Law is in your mind now



Piggy Oink Oink

Most likely.

Shes rolling around like a pig in slop

I have a cold so she's got that on me I'd assume.

I'm pretty sure I'd sleep well at night knowing I had all those millions in the bank. Why did you even ask this? No one here is happy.

LIVE FROM HER APARTMENT. She sounds nervous.

Diareer on the green carpet. Lamar is angry.

I guarantee she's been laid more recently than at least 90% of this sub.

Because we're all virgin neckbeards in our moms basements lmao

Not necessarily neck bearded or in anyone's basement.