We made it to SRD. Welcome, visiting shitdicks.

19  2016-01-27 by NihilistKnight


According to SRD, we have a problem with "powerful women."

Let that sink in. Someone like Schumer is considered "powerful" to these irregular shitheads.

With the same evidence we can say people are ignoring the downtrodden like Tammy, liebman, madigan, etc. vapid argument.

Yeah, but, let's be honest, we don't give two shits about any of them.

I legit like and care about madigan. Her and Bonnie are actually funny people.


I agree.

Shumer is seeing nothing close to what other comics have seen. This fucking sub has ruined relationships and careers.

Fucking Joe Derosa saw a hundred times more abuse then Shumer and I don't see any of those queers here defending him.

If Carlos Mencia was their guy, they would be crying and saying it was because he's a minority comic despite people like George Lopez and Bobby Lee saying he stole shit.

If the Mencia thing happened today there would with a 100% certainty be people defending him as a POC victim of white supremacy.

Have you seen her upper body? She's a hoss.

She just starred in a movie that has already made 100mil, I'd say that takes some power to pull off.

Having a movie made is the exact opposite of having power, it's the power of the people around and above you. If they replaced her with Melissa McCarthy, you think it would have bombed?

So some powerless woman just was handed a starring role in a huge movie?

Yes, absolutely; do you know how Hollywood works?

It's surprising that you used Melissa McCarthy, another funny actress that has worked hard to build her status, to try and prove your point. I'm not defending whether or not she's funny/attractive. But you're kidding yourself if you believe that redpill bullshit that women are only successful and powerful because.... Hollywood?

It's surprising that you used Melissa McCarthy, another funny actress that has worked hard to build her status, to try and prove your point.

Why is it surprising? I picked one at random. I'm pointing out that low-budget paint-by-numbers rom-coms are a license to print money in Hollywood and it doesn't really matter who is in the lead. Especially when it has the Apatow machine behind it.

But you're kidding yourself if you believe that redpill bullshit that women are only successful and powerful because.... Hollywood?

What the fuck does Redpill anything have to do with this? I'm letting you know that people selected to be the face of things or in a lead role are not "powerful." They don't hold any power, either professionally or culturally. They have as much power as they are allowed or encouraged to have.

They're like rappers; you think that a rapper signs a big recording contract because they're powerful and influential? No, they're fucking employees. They're workers. The ones who control Hollywood actually have the money and power and influences, and they select suckers like Schumer but they have no actual power or integrity. Careers are made and broken based on how these stupid dancing bears toe the company line. Schumer is just the latest sucker they think they can make money off of, but she is the exact opposite of powerful.

Even with your cynical view of the industry, you're still only proving my point. Yeah, anything Judd Apatow touches is sucked up by the masses, but that's because he's developed our trust to curate good shit. So for you to sit there and tell me the most powerful comedy director is going to gamble his reputation on some powerless nobody is totally fucked.

She has one of the most powerful skills in society, too. Her name gets asses in theater seats. And if you don't call that power then where the fuck are you from?

Even with your cynical view of the industry, you're still only proving my point. Yeah, anything Judd Apatow touches is sucked up by the masses, but that's because he's developed our trust to curate good shit.

This has nothing to do with Apatow. Making the argument that he has power in the industry has nothing to do with Amy Schumer having power in the industry. That is what this is about.

So for you to sit there and tell me the most powerful comedy director is going to gamble his reputation on some powerless nobody is totally fucked.

Why does her power have anything to do with her being cast in anything? Are you just substituting the word "power" for "entertaining?" People like Zach Galafinakis but he is now "powerful" and his movies have made way more money than hers.

She has one of the most powerful skills in society, too. Her name gets asses in theater seats.

No, you just agreed with me that you could substitute her name for others and that Apatow has the power and influence.

And if you don't call that power then where the fuck are you from?

It's an exploitable resource you fucking retard. People who control oil are powerful, oil itself sitting in a room is not powerful on its own. Nothing you've said has disproven the idea that she has no power in this industry and is a marketable employee, like a sports mascot. Like any other entertainer. The difference is, idiots like you are buying into her entertainment illusion which is "powerful woman who don't need no man." You're being sold an identity and you suckers actually believe this shit.

It's clear you want me to make this about gender so badly but I'm not. You were so certain you could corral me into an argument that's familiar to you, you and your little notepad and all you can do is call me cynical.

I don't think the oil gets paid when I fill my tank.

See, you do get it.

But that's the point I'm trying to make. She's turned herself into a valuable resource, which is raking in big bucks for herself. With big bucks comes big power.

With big bucks comes big power.

No it doesn't. The money goes to the people who have power. The people who selected her because she is a resource. Resources don't have power, they get discarded the moment they are not useful anymore. She has no equity or actual influence in the industry and can be easily broken. Case and point: what is happening right now with these accusations. You cannot deny this. I know you're desperate to find reasons why Schumer is here to stay but she's not. Mel Gibson was one of the most bankable and popular movie stars of all time and he was taken out because he got drunk and yelled about Jews.

People like you are why Schumer will fail: she is so stupid she probably believes she's powerful, and you're so stupid you think that perceived power makes her better. You think that's her value. It's a flimsy perpetual motion machine. Her value is only as good as the actual powerful people allow it to be.

To have power you have to be above the marketplace. She is not above it, she is being traded within it.

I never said she had a huge stake or is running shit in the least. But she obviously isn't some flash in the pan at this point, either. She's "got legs" and her brand of comedy is like printing money. That's power. yeah, it's an exploitable one, and for some people like Chappelle (who has the same sort of "power" that Schumer has), it can get to the point where the money isn't worth it. But Schumer isn't one of those people. She's willing to be exploited by the industry so she can cash out. Where's the harm in that?

I never said she had a huge stake or is running shit in the least.

Well that's what power is. Seriously, what do you think power is? The ability to be an exploitable resource? The ability to make someone else money? It's like going in circles with you.

But she obviously isn't some flash in the pan at this point, either. She's "got legs" and her brand of comedy is like printing money.

A flash in the pan can make money. Mencia was a flash in the pan. He made people with power a lot of money. The moment that ability was compromised they showed how little power he had and they dropped him. Again, the ability to be exploited and the ability to be a resource that makes money for others does not equal power. It equals popularity, at best. You see this misinterpretation rampant in the music business, every time you've heard a musician complain about a record label.

She's willing to be exploited by the industry so she can cash out. Where's the harm in that?

Nothing. People do that every day. They work to be an exploitable resource for people with power and they "cash out" by retiring. There's a reason people don't look at prostitutes like they're queens.

I just don't understand why someone would reach so far just to pat this utterly average entertainer on the back. Is that the selling point for people like you? You wouldn't like her as much if you didn't believe she was working the system and a powerful figure? Is that part of the package, she needs to represent something for her to have your attention?

I don't like her show at all, but I can still recognize the skill needed to supply what the public demands. She has the power to capture America's attention. Sure, she's probably exploited working on comedy central, but she doesn't care. she just pays it forward to her fans, exploiting them by tapping into a cultural zeitgeist.

she just pays it forward to her fans, exploiting them by tapping into a cultural zeitgeist.

Do you realize how full of shit you sound?

She plays the women card, the ugly card, the white card. This is what her fans are looking for... where did I lose you?

Look, everyone agrees she's a talentless hack, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Jesus are all of you O&A guys as stupid as this? She's doing all these things to make money. When you have money, more things are available to you. It's almost like money is a form of power...

You've strayed from your main point because you were proven wrong and had nothing else to say so now you're talking to me about Amy Schumer making money and "doing it for the fans." None of thas anything remotely to do with the topic at hand. Why the fuck are you still talking?

Oh shit someone proved me wrong? I could have sworn she was the chick from that Judd Apatow movie...

Your first comment said it was crazy that some people think she's powerful. Trainwreck proves you wrong.

Stop wasting your time. If this idiot thinks Hollywood is a meritocracy Apocalypto would have been given masterpiece status and Mel Gibson would be pumping movies. By their standard Mel Gibson was powerful as fuck, but if you can get everything pulled out from under you, you aren't powerful at all.


Lol. I thought it was a sub about enjoying conflict but they just seem to take a side and argue about it themselves.

That's what it used to be. That was a long time ago though.

Yeah SRD is just another SRS now.

edit: omg they even tagged it, gender wars. Like obviously Amy Schumer represents the entire female gender and we're only hating on her because she's a woman. We've never hated on any men in this sub before. Nope. Seriously I can't think of any woman we've attacked here besides Amy. This sub almost exclusively hates on men. I mean I know Opie has breasts and a vagina but he identifies as a man.

I dont think anyone was polite about that nicole arbour dummy


Edit: Oh wait, I remember now. Isn't that the chick who Opie had on and told her she had nice boobs and then was like stalking her on twitter for a couple of days and wondering why she didn't want to come back on the show. I don't remember anybody really talking specifically about her good or bad. I just remember a couple of days of making fun of Opie for being such a creepy loser.

I think so, i know she was the one who did the dear fat people video, and billed herself for years as the hottest stand up comedian, and anything else she has done instead of just writing jokes

I actually used to browse srd, but they went super sjw and stopped laughing at hateful shit and started being pissy. It's seriously diet-srs. Tbh fam anyone into meta reddit is a fucking faggot.

Hey I thought the sub was on lock down?

SRD is another shit subreddit full of thirsty omega males and rainbow-haired postmodernist hipsters trying to simulataneously be "edgy" and some kind of moral authority figures.

For other examples, see /r/circlebroke, /r/shitredditsays, and /r/bestofoutrageculture.

Careful. Don't wanna get banned for "brigading."

I love how reddit's ”like we're not sexist. We just happened to go after women in power a lot. We swear it's just coincidence.... pure coincidence.”

honestly, is there a single woman reddit likes? Just one, is this too much to ask?

That sub really is just an alternate SRS now. And they don't seem to get that the female victims of Amy's theft are who got this all started.

It's ridiculous. I subscribed to SRD for the real stuff - bans, slapfights, cheating redditors being caught by their redditor spouses, that sort of thing. Too often it's like "hey everyone, let's ridicule the dumb opinion of this obvious-virgin neckbeard". It somehow manages to be both enraging and a stupendous bore.

Personally, I love Remi Lacroix more than I can express in words.

They think this is about gender? What about all the times we have trashed DeRosa, Sherrod, Kurt, Brother Joe, Club Soda Kenny, Sam, Keith, any one of Rogan's "guys", etc. Hell, even the people this sub is named after! But no, the one time we attack a woman it's gender related.

Lol, I sometimes forget that DeRosa was literally destroyed by this sub. No one cared until the first female came around to be ridiculed.

jesus christ, do people really care that much about this piece of fucking shit website? Welcome back douche chills, its been a while.

Marc Maron went on an epic rant where he himself noticed that it's just a bunch of mostly angry sexist douchebags who have found a faucet to spew all their bile against Amy Schumer.

Also the post is marked as "Gender wars".

This is becoming some kind of gamer gate bullshit thing. Good luck with that, even my life is too good to get involved with that kind of people on either side of it.

Guys, you are all being really mean, have insensitive usernames and are manipulating super-serious internet currency.


I made it an np thread, don't sweat.

You do know that making a link 'NP' doesn't actually do anything, right?

Anything? Anything at all? Reddit setup a subdomain and suggested it's usage just for shits and giggles?

It's a CSS hack a few subs have implemented based on the Nepalese language subdomain. It has, as far as I'm aware, literally zero official support from the server side and most mobile clients strip it out for API calls anyway. That's why /r/drama and /r/shitredditsays don't use it when linking. The most it does is serve as a reminder for those within the community.


Thankh you!

Don't we all hate on everyone? Especially Sherrod, he's unnaturally black and I know he melts chocolate bars between his legs.

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I like quite a few female comics and so do a lot of the users here. I don't understand how thinking Amy is an open mic hack doing "lol I'm such a slut guys, right?" means I'm afraid of powerful women. My girlfriend constantly beats me up.

I like how in that sub all of the comment are about anything other than the fact that Amy Schumer blatantly stole a lot of things,and if it is briefly brought up they always reference the generic Patrice bit(but never mention why she chose the exact two sex moves when there are literally over a hundred other made up sex position in that list)

I love the blatant misrepresentation

SRD = cancer. Only go there if you feel like raging. They are insufferable.


Maybe she stole a ton of shit, I don't know, but the fact that the nexus of all these post/accusations is a sub devoted to a proto-edgelord radio show makes me kind of inclined to not take them very seriously.

Yeah why would you look at the data and make your own conclusion when you can just disregard all of it on the grounds of "it's icky and i don't like it".

Democracy was a mistake.

Also loving how THEY think that we worship Opie here and jerk off to the cake stomping when the exact opposite is true.

I HAVE enough money!


Shitdick here. Since you welcomed us, it's not brigading, right?

Anyway, I wouldn't bother commenting, except I feel like this post by /u/Apollo_Screed is the best take I've seen on the issue. So good job there.

I honestly don't like Amy Schumer, but joke stealing is such a taboo in comedy, and the "stolen" jokes are so simple that they really could have come from anywhere.

At the absolute worst, I could (well, almost) see the two of them sitting down and having the same conversation Dane Cook did on that episode of Louie. Maybe even less than that, since neither one seem the type to keep stress and anxiety bottled up like Loius does.

Anyway, I'll go back to my hole, didn't vote on anything or try to mess up your sub, just wanted to draw attention to that great comment.

One comic saying she didn't steal is meaningless. It's not up to him considering the ulterior motives a person in showbiz can have. Also why does maron get to call the shots and not the three female comics that started this whole thing?

I didn't mention any (living) comics in relation to this incident, nor did Apollo.

It's the subject of the post. Also Amy having a quick rose to fame is evidence FOR stealing because it gives motive. And we've heard and discussed the "lazy" angle, and the video itself is the counter argument. These aren't overlapping conceptual bases, they're bit for bit, shot for shot rips of other jokes with very minor tweaks to cover tracks. Seriously it's called preponderance of evidence. No one parallel thinks this much.

You didn't mention any comics beside Louie and Cook you silly sausage.

the "stolen" jokes are so simple that they really could have come from anywhere.

Watch the MadTV and CollegeHumor sketches then. The ones in her TV show are carbon fucking copies. I couldn't give less of a fuck abotu Amy Schumer or joke stealing but people like you denying simple facts that are being presented trigger the living fuck out of me.

Okay but we don't care about you.

I think what you're seeing is Amy kind of struggle as a stand-up because she now has to be this constant generator of new content, and it's possible she never developed the level of chops you need to do so.

Yes, we all agree she can't do her job and is sub-par compared to others at her level. '

That's actually a perfect reason why her fame is undeserved. What we here fail to understand is why someone who is sub-par at her job should be defended and protected like this.

I mean, OP essentially just laid out a perfect scenario why a person would steal jokes. So why is it such a stretch to believe she did, in the face of such a huge pile of evidence? We've seen similar comedians condemned for less, and other comedians throw accusations for far less.

OP here!

It's not a stretch to assume she stole the material. It's also not a stretch to assume that she didn't steal the material.

I don't know the community here, but I imagine there's extra indignation because she stole from Patrice, a beloved regular on O&A? That joke she is accused of lifting is, quite frankly, one of Patrice's worst jokes. Other comics (Big Jay Oakerson I definitely heard say this) have mentioned that other comics were disappointed in Patrice for that lazy premise, because it's not good writing. It's basically riffing on a series of street jokes - though he earned the laughs with his delivery because Patrice was amazing.

I think it's completely fair to say Amy isn't a good comic. I don't think there's a smoking gun on her stealing. Everything she's accused of stealing is a "first-thought" joke. "I love it when a man pays - for sex!" ... I guarantee you someone was telling a version of this joke in the Borsht Belt in the 50's.

I don't know the community here, but I imagine there's extra indignation because she stole from Patrice, a beloved regular on O&A? That joke she is accused of lifting is, quite frankly, one of Patrice's worst jokes. Other comics (Big Jay Oakerson I definitely heard say this) have mentioned that other comics were disappointed in Patrice for that lazy premise, because it's not good writing. It's basically riffing on a series of street jokes - though he earned the laughs with his delivery because Patrice was amazing.

People don't like her because she used to be funnier and more easy-going and in the past year has adopted an insufferable attitude in the media similar to Lena Dunham. Nobody liked the Patrice bit and nobody necessarily cares about the other people stolen from, if there's one thing this place isn't it's righteous. There's not much more to it than that. We're a simple bunch.

I can't speak for everyone but the vibe here is just that she's a bit of an awful cunt and to see so many other comedians start to chime in (including the original 2 female comedians) is great.

We all know she's the golden child in the media right now and a lot of people think she is "important." As a result, nobody would know about this if these videos weren't being made. I give absolute credit to the users who made these videos because the comedy scene is notoriously tightlipped about this shit cause they're all fucking gladhanding sycophants and it's nice to see someone take the shit they deserve.

I really appreciate the intelligent, well-reasoned reply - as I intoned before, I'm not part of this sub so I didn't want to come in making gross generalizations. Was a big fan of O&A back in the glory days before they got kicked off radio.

I totally get resenting someone for being a golden media child or for a meteoric rise they didn't deserve. I think the Amy hate is a ship that is letting a lot of people on board - comedy purists who care only about the theft, people who didn't like Amy to begin with because of her mediocre standup or general POV, people who don't like her canonization by the media, people who just hate feminists, fat people haters, etc.

I just go on the fact that guys like Maron and Mulaney (who she's been accused of stealing from) both have gone on the record and said they don't believe she did it. Both are huge and have nothing to really gain by gladhanding Schumer the way Pescatelli/Madigan might (maybe for social cache, but not professional advancement). It's an interesting topic to me because I love talking 'inside comedy' and both sides of this issue have compelling arguments.

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Thank you! Glad you liked my theory on why Amy's struggling right now.

I just tried to consider the most likely situation - when Mencia stole, the entire comedic world turned on him. Hell, comics knew way before the rest of the world - comics would have "code words" they'd yell out when Mencia walked into the Comedy Store and everyone else going on stage would just tell street jokes and stuff that couldn't be stolen - or they'd just refuse to perform.

That major comics are defending Schumer tells me they don't agree with the masses here - and I don't believe Amy's dumb enough to steal from Patrice, who was friends with Jimmy Norton - the guy who basically gave Amy her start in professional comedy.