Steve-O Explains How Amy Schumer Works

157  2016-01-27 by billythesqeed


Thank baby Jesus for people like Stanhope and Steve-o who don't give a fuck about their careers to expose this two-faced piece of shit.

To be fair, this was 4 years ago, before Amy hit it really big. She was kind of a no name back then.

Back when I liked Amy Shumer back in her Anthony Jeselnick days, no shame, that joke about Steve-O killed. Now she's dating Jennifer Lawrence, stealing jokes from Patrice, and being an all around cunt.

You misspelled brave independent woman at the end there

All the better.

So true. Let's hope more comics speak up.

whoa there buddy. calling steve-o a comic?

He has an act. It's not all stand up but some of it is.

Point taken

Did Stanhope mention something about Amy? Are you referring to the Rogan podcast?

Yeah, all I heard him say there was something to Joe along the lines of I know you don't want me talking about Amy. Like he wanted to but Joe must've told him before the show fuck that don't bring it up. He also told Joe he talks too much. He definitely doesn't have any fucks to give

Yeah Stanhope is awesome. When he came to Toronto after his show he was just chilling doing shots and smoking cigarettes with me and some friends.

it sure would be a damn shame if this got posted to /r/videos with some sort of attention grabbing title. if it is posted there i certainly wouldn't pay it any mind. anyway, back to rubbing my meaty vagina.


Posting on O&A sub

A real girl if I ever saw one

You should be ashamed you hack

A real girl if I ever saw one

Let us know if you can ever confirm this

So transparent

I think we found the dude who tried to talk to Ant on twitter and Ant called HIM out.

I like vaginas

Me too. Especially ones made from meat

Mine is made of wet newspapers and ratchet strap around my weight bench.

This cunt can't even pick up the phone and ask it genuinely herself?

She's too powerful a womyn to have to beg for favours from a white cis male shithead

The correct nomenclature is "shitlord."

probably asked marc "the cuckold" maron to do the same

Without a doubt. She comes across like the "student council" type. She has experience campaigning with her deceit.

She's the god damn Hillary Clinton of comedy.

Steve "Sandy Kane" O

makes a joke about someone not wanting who they're dating to be public knowledge

does a no-go motion when asked about who he's dating immediately afterwards


but yeah, it's a funny clip

Why? he respected her wishes them, and it was the host that brought it up during the interview.

i just thought it was funny, don't get offended there

She sounds like a completely phony coward. "Heeeeeeey Jeff, I feel reeeeaaaallly bad about this whole Steve-O thing." (subtext: mostly how it affects my bottom line) "Can you like, call him, or something? thaaaaaanks."

God I hate this cunt.

Steve-O is a national treasure.

The jingle at the end ruined my day

Jocktober flashback.

His voice is like nails on a chalkboard, but seems legit.

Sounds like a 40 year old meth addict who sucked so much cock it damaged their vocal chords.

Did you copy and paste his IMDB bio?

No i got it from his official website.

Ryan Dunn is faire game. DWI and killed someone.

what kind of Ren Faires are you going to that have games like that?


I wonder how fat the host of this video Big J is. The camera didn't cut to him once.

But this is excellent, further proof that wormy cunt Jim was in on some kind of damage control fat girl rage.

It was hard to find a pic of him or tell for sure I had the right guy but I think this is him:

definitely a face for radio

That angle sure helps

That's him. I'm from that town and I've always wanted to see them jocktobered

steve o looks like he's either going to die next week or live to be a 100

He sounds like shit but doesn't look bad.

Steve-O saying duplicity was funny. He's one hundred percent right.

"I have zero respect for that slut, but I'm not mad at her for telling a joke." -Motherfuckin' Steve-O

One of the big J's is going to have to change his name.

Nah, there's Big J and Big Jay.

She sounds like Opie

Words hurt :(

and opie sounds like any woman on their period....period.

All I want to do is go viral. Just once.



4K views is a viral video right?

How? I never heard HOLD ON or sniffles or jokes being dropped and beat like a dead horse or someone apologizing for calling another person a faggot.

I am not sure we should be doing this.


I bought most of my twitter followers. Everybody does it.

why dont you stick to saying shit he has actually said if you really have to do this

Wtf was sherrod small doing there?

Could that shirt be any smaller? He kept looking at his arms the whole time.

That fucking radio host sucks.

Wouldn't it be funny if all of this defense was just because Amy is just a big drama queen pulling the old "I swear I'll kill myself" sort of thing to guilt all this support? That it had nothing to do with influence or possible financial gain. And all these sap douches just fell for it every time.

Holy shit that is some pussy, two-faced bullshit

She sounds like just one of the guys.

The "Cellar Comics" are Amy's white knights. If you're fat, bald, wear a fedora and/or your name ends with a vowel then Amy is your queen


That was fucking hilarious.....thanks!

Watch that with the captions on. YouTube has no idea what steve-o is saying.

Thought this said Steve C at first

Steve-O's voice is what it sounds like when you've been kicked in the balls dozens of times.

What the fuck is wrong with his voice?

This video was already posted on here.

I'm all for the hate but come on. Time spent duplicating old videos is time taken away from finding new stuff to hate her for...

Steve-O should probably give up on comedy. I like the part where, in lieu of laughing, the host just says "That's a good joke! That's a good joke!" Really?

He's on our team now, faggot. Stand down.

He double teamed Lynsi with Bam and now this? He's a hero

He's on our team now, faggot. Stand down.