Fuck everyone here with some agenda besides having fun discussing and/or making fun of OnA related shit.

0  2016-01-27 by [deleted]



Highly doubt a lot of these all a sudden super active people where even listeners of OnA.

You became super active like 2 months ago you little shit dick. You are at +6 on res for me somehow. Probably because of the volume of shit you comment on.

You are at the top of way too many comment chains to not be pandering to the faggots. Say something people don't like and prove me wrong. Call me a swell fella or something.

95% of the shit I say is jokes so sorry if I'm pandering to people by being funny.

To be fair to the guy I usually enjoy his posting. Most of the time he makes good points, knows the show and brings the funny. (This thread excluded of course)

Full disclosure - I'm a bit of a hyperactive newcomer too.

How am I being sly? The first one I'm addressing what they said. I can have an opinion that Amy is a thief and not be one of the people who are trying to start a group of warriors to take her down. And what's wrong with calling Opie out on his lies and saying that Joe sucks?

You said you comment with jokes mostly. I showed 4 comments just from today that were upvoted that weren't. All you have to do is comment quickly on threads with a reasonable opinion and you get the top comment.

That's the point of this thread you're commenting on, everything posted on this sub for the past 3 days is humorless and just a bunch of people talking about how to make their videos go viral and how to fuck with shit. I don't give a fuck about having the top comment I've said many things on here that get downvoted to shit.

I agree the sub sucks now. I don't remember you here when it was good though.

I realize it looks bad coming from my 2 month old account. Not saying I expect you to have seen it but I have said on here how my old username was WhiteIsJustBetter and I deleted my account at one point to stop using reddit and being the faggot i am I got sucked back in.

Like I said in my original comment, I haven't been here that long but when I started coming here it was mostly people being brutally mean/honest about people and the show and being funny dickheads. I'm not trying to say I've been here for years, was just pointing out how the sub's motives and attitude seemed to have change.

Don't see why it bugged you so much.

It didn't bug me at all. I notice you too much not to shit on you.

If you're just shitting on me for fun then thats great, that's the kind of shit I enjoy on here and want to be going on. Just thought you were one of the people I'm talking about getting all offended, my apologies, shit away.

You better apologize for no reason you dwarf.

Oh no no no I'm quite average as far as height goes.

Yeah well your penis is very long and thin. It's shaped like a candy cane too. When you ejaculate you projectile cum all over your balls.

Truthfully you're not far off.

I'm not sure what you mean but what I meant by quick comment is just posting quickly or nearly first. Not necessarily the size of the comment.


Yeah maaaaaaan. We listened before it was cool maaaaaaaaaaan.

Not even saying that. I'm saying I don't believe a lot of the people here have ever listened to the show on a daily basis, just internet clips.
