TIL holding someone accountable for plagiarism by providing concrete evidence is manipulation

91  2016-01-27 by TanelPilkington



Despite the fact that people from all kinds of subs create content and post it elsewhere (see: fucking cross posts) this one gets hit for brigading despite the lack of direct links. Yeah I voted on the video, yeah I saw it here first, what makes that brigading? This sub is mostly about stand up comedians, it's not an unjustified connection.

We're manipulating the hate.

Sorry, I see people planning to post a video on another sub. Other than one fucking person mentioning dearly votes importance, they don't even mention votes at all. People letting each other know when a video they made will be posted isn't brigading.


What do you do for a livin', character?


Guy who takes Reddit very seriously.

People suggested deleting them because tards like you would call it brigading despite a total lack of evidence.

Also fuck my Reddit account I'm like 3 deep by now lol.

Watch out guys, we've got an edgy customer here!!!!!!

As much as I hate the rule that the video was deleted because of vote manipulation I have to laugh at this.

The Jew-run media has spoken.

One of the articles I read defending her reveals why. It says she is a "voice of modern feminism" and "stood against slut shaming" and was a "hero of body approval". So all the left wing, white knights will turn a blind eye to any evidence because she is now a political ideal.

Explains why Rogan made such a big deal about Mencia being "German".


"Brigading" happens so much, most of it accidentally, that it's only enforced when it fits reddit's agenda. Fat people hate and Amy Schumer being exposed.


I wish you guys would fucking cool it with the Amy Schumer shit already. I saw this morning that a few of you were saying "lets go on some website to plot out how we're gonna upvote that video" so let's not act like the accusation of brigading came out of nowhere. You all knew what the fuck you were doing and literally planned it right out in the open. Fucking retards. You're gonna get the entire subreddit closed over this stupid joke stealing crap that the rest of the world no longer cares about. It's done, reddit doesn't like her anymore. Mission accomplished.

Let's smarten up a bit, how about. Just obey the two or three rules this site has and stay the fuck off other subreddits. We don't need to spill our shit over anywhere else, and personally who fucking cares about Amy Schumer. I'm sick of reading about it, it's all that's been on this sub for the past two weeks.

Making a video and posting it at a time where it'll get attention isn't brigading. I didn't video the on the post because I'm in the ona cabal, I voted because I have opinions on joke thieves.

No, that isn't brigading. But all the comments rallying the troops to upvote it once the original creator was set to post it at 9:00 is, and then telling everybody to delete their comments to cover their tracks certainly doesnt help. It just makes no sense why people here are pretending like none of that happened.

I commented on that thread (@7 am mind you) after seeing it on videos (one of the other subs I subscribe to) It is not like we are locked into this single room on reddit is it? No prompting needed. its rise was organic, and this is oppressive censorship! Check your privilege you reddit shitlords!

I just love how those retards thought deleting your comment actually deletes it from the site.

I saw nothing about rallying the troops to up vote. Letting people know when a video will be released so they can engage in its discussion isn't vote brigading.

I screen capped it so I'll send you what I saw

"obey" Sounds sort of cucky too me.


You need to cool down with the fascism SIR! Going around telling people what to do all the time is not likeable at all. There isn't any proof of this so called brigading. You are Stalin and Hitler all rolled into one large peckah!

You need to go home and fuck your wife since clearly she likes Sherrod's tongue and daily receives his tounge with her ass up in the air. Ofcourse you are sick of hearing about Schumer because sectretly you love her piggyness and jokes.

Stop being gay with your posts, nobody here likes you and hopefully you'll stop coming by now that you are an open and outed cuckold!

Gotta agree. If people put as much effort into their own personal or professional lives as they've put into attempting to convince the world that Amy Schumer is a joke thief...they'd all be happy, rich, and successful. Of course then all the internal anger they have would disappear and they would have gotten bored with this days ago...

If only we put enough work into stealing jokes, we would be media darlings and have you (a member of Madonna's PR team) out shilling for us.