Amy videos are #1, #3 and #14 on /r/videos - and those are ones we had nothing to do with!

52  2016-01-27 by ThrowawayGirlLaLaLa



unfuckable hate nerds strike again.

Someone should probably claim that sub name for us when we inevitably get shut down.

/r/UnfuckableHateNerds In before the ban

well done, suggestion for banner

I subbed, your a good boy.

I say next time TheRealJimNorton makes a post the subreddit should ignore him.

He should have to book an appointment.

Agreed, we're just not that close.

It's now #1 on the reddit front page within 4 hours. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Aaaaand it's gone

Because misogyny

We are also 4th on the homepage again. Back in the big time.

And Stewart Lee is the top comment. What a day.

And this is in there too:

Rumor has it that Gregg "Opie" Hughes (@opieradio), formerly of the Opie and Anthony show on Sirius XM is behind these videos that keep being released. I read that he was angry that Amy had stopped doing his show after her career took off the way it has. Either way, it's hard to refute once you have the evidence side by side like you do here. I'm all-in with Opie on this one.

I know you have to be lying because that can't be real but I want you to know that I ejaculated across the room upon reading this.

I'm not sure what you mean sir. I may be many things but I am, above all else... real.

Above all else, in us fucking saps

To real?

Too real?


Longer longer next time.


I meant linger boo

Thread was locked by admins "due to vote manipulation by /r/opieandanthony" amy's pulling out all the stops now.


Fourth on your* homepage

What you see when you log out is all that matters

It's been scrubbed. Was #4 30 seconds ago w' 2025 comments. Now it's gone.

Yep. Weird. Even the official reddit videos twitter account tweeted a link to it on reddit.. Its still on there


'This post has been removed due to ongoing brigades and upvote manipulation stemming from the subreddit /r/opieandanthony/. Sorry folks.'

I don't quite understand. Upvote manipulation ... what is that?

Fuck, why wont Ant stop manipulating the hate?

That's how the Jews control the media. For now. No Jews in China.

This shit is blowing up on Twitter as well. This is beautiful. Great work to those brave souls who worked tirelessly on the project.

ha I just checked amys @ mentions and the first two tweets are theft memes people have made. Internet is fun.

Have we started the fire?

I dont think so. Its been going since... shit... since the world was tur-nin'

The fire rises brother

For you or sumthin

Really awesome work. Way to not let her teams first cleansing of the internet dissuade you. We can't let these Jews think that a good cleansing is a final solution.

Yes i submitted MischiefMakersProd's video to reddit videos and its on the front page and 95% of the comments hate Amy. Good job gang. lol.

Actually, what's amazing is you submitted it without anyone knowing it. We had nothing to do with this getting to the front page, I didn't even vote. I just woke up and it was like #4 on /r/videos. Amazing.

It's gone, the admins deleted it "due to vote manipulation"

I know lol I was gonna post on here and other O & J chat sites asking for upvotes but it didn't need it.

Yeah, don't ever do that.

You gonna get the sub deleted

Don't do that, or even suggest it. Delete this unless you want this sub gone tomorrow

The thread was deleted, guess they saw his post here.

Technically it's against the rules, so it's a good thing it didn't need it- people can just tell Amy is phony by themselves, I think it's become obvious she lifts to the average joe.

the real puppetmasters maaaaan

I was wondering where the origin of starting the 'opie made the Amy video' came from. Didn't see any posts here.

Taking a little peak?

The compilation got taken down unfortunately




And Stewart Lee is the top comment. What a day.

And this is in there too:

Rumor has it that Gregg "Opie" Hughes (@opieradio), formerly of the Opie and Anthony show on Sirius XM is behind these videos that keep being released. I read that he was angry that Amy had stopped doing his show after her career took off the way it has. Either way, it's hard to refute once you have the evidence side by side like you do here. I'm all-in with Opie on this one.

I know lol I was gonna post on here and other O & J chat sites asking for upvotes but it didn't need it.

Fourth on your* homepage

What you see when you log out is all that matters

I dont think so. Its been going since... shit... since the world was tur-nin'

The fire rises brother

It's gone, the admins deleted it "due to vote manipulation"