It's not like Jim to swallow his dignity and beliefs and comedic integrity for the chance of a pay check

12  2016-01-27 by Lilcumia

Considering there's more evidence will he just not bring it up anymore?


Not if he thinks she will put him in her next movie.

He needs another video file in Judd Apatow's recycle bin

Maybe Judd sides with the accusers. Look at all the shit he gave the Cos. Seriously if Judd told Jim to say Amy stole and he'd be awarded an appearance he definitely would.

After listening to Yimmy for around 6 or 7 years now on a nearly daily basis, I'm 99% sure this is all just a big ploy to get more celeb pics.

Do you remember Furry Vengeance?

I wish I could say that I do not.

He needs another video file in Judd Apatow's recycle bin

After listening to Yimmy for around 6 or 7 years now on a nearly daily basis, I'm 99% sure this is all just a big ploy to get more celeb pics.