Kurt "stickyfingers" Metzger blocked me for calling Amy a convicted thief in his timeline.

4  2016-01-27 by Ant_Sucks


Who the fuck is Kurt Metzger?

I hadn't thought about tying the 'convicted thief' thing in. I have thought of it now.

I've said this on a few threads.

The fact that none of the people making the videos have used this is a huge oversight.

There's audio of her confessing to stealing thousands of dollars worth of clothing. Literally audio of her saying how she's a compulsive thief.

She's happy to steal from department stores but wouldn't dream of stealing from comedians? Gimme a break.

By the way, she's not a 'convicted' thief. That's an even better part of the story. She got out of it because of her family connections.

If you want this story to continue, this is an angle you would want to get out there. Blogs and newspapers probably aren't going to keep showing examples of possible plagiarism. That story is too similar to what they spent time talking about last week. Show them that she has a history of kleptomania, and that she got out of it because of her connections, those are two issues that they can spend a lot of time 'discussing'.

It's shoplifters that are the reason that clothes are so expensive. They have to recover their money by raising prices. She was also stealing from hardworking American consumers.

Didn't Colin call him a Bosnian prisoner?

I just checked: Kyle Dunnigan blocked me too for saying something similar.

You even made a Twitter account with this name? You are an obsessed, freak.

With a username like"FanoftheWWE" you shouldn't be username shaming.


Yeah... that's right.

Thanks Ant