Someone on r/videos described this subreddit perfectly

67  2016-01-27 by cardaderdention



Sometimes the most relevant Jimmy on this subreddit is Jones.

fawk you cocksucka


herz my twitter @chipchipperson

How long before Schumer says the same thing next time she's defending herself?

I think it's closer to lord of the flies before they dropped a boulder on piggy.

That fat fuck deserved it.

Piggy = Amy, & Boulder = Joke theft allegations

This guy gets it.

Sucks to your ass-mar!

Seriously, Piggy was bringing down the whole group with his special needs.


np that link



And then you switch it back to www because fuck Reddit

Can we put that on a t-shirt? Maybe some coffee mugs?


This place has turned into a festering shithole full of toxic assholes ... and I love it.

I love it when we get press on other subs. I'm surprised that none of the shitbags over on /r/ShitRedditSays, /r/SubredditDrama, or /r/AgainstHateSubreddits have caught onto our game yet.

Especially /r/againsthatesubreddits, yeah. We are the second most toxic and hateful sub on reddit.

They've been here

There's a spaceship waiting for us behind Opies left tit

Oh good! There will be room for all of us.

I'm ready to ascend to the evolutionary level above cuck

Don't worry, Ant will come back to the show next year. Just you wait.

And what's more, he's bringing moonrocks.

AprEhL FfaAhLs

Wow, I like that.

C'mon in bro, got anything you hate?

Fucking nailed it

Hughessolini and Jim il Sung still reign supreme.


"We have become self aware and are terminating everything in sight" - Guybroman

The prospect of a failing comedian is our Hale-Bopp.


Clap clap


Well since the show died and then in to two shows that suck, yes in a way our leader died. And turns out none of the hosts can take criticism from their own fans/former fans well, so yeah, it's getting worse.

You capitalize some weird shit dude

And you notice how many cult leaders use their power to get kiddy sex? Coincidence?

We are unfuckable hate nerds. We are legion. Expect us.


as an aside i really miss patrice. oh how much funny ass shit he'd have to say on all of this