Kuck Metzger chimes in and embarrasses himself immensely.

2  2016-01-27 by TheDarkFezRises

Kuck informs us that Amy doesn't steal...except she's an admitted shoplifter with video evidence proving she also steals jokes.

Please don't engage this madman on twitter, we wouldn't want him freaking out for a few days again.



I've always kind of liked Kurt. I still listen to Race Wars, which is the only thing I can still stomach on the Raqio... This shit is unforgivable. He's just cosigned all the stealing, directly implicating himself in the thievery. And, he's committed a major plagiarism sin, like Amy did on Jim's show: appealing to popularity. "that magician had 10,000 hits until he started suggesting he was stolen from". Yeah Kurt. Great. You thought you could get away with it. How the fuck do you know how many hits it had before the allegations surfaced? Because you thought "Look. This is an irrelevant funny video. Let's jack it". Inside Amy Schumer = The Cult of Crooks.

"Look. This is an irrelevant funny video. Let's jack it"

You samplin now nigga?HAHAHAHA There you go again Kurt stealin from us blacks! Love that chicken from Popeyes !

George Washington was a black man!

Funny trumps everything for me and I think Kurt's stand-up is hilarious. But man he really is a psycho in a lot of ways. He was right in some of the twitter fights and other social media bullshit he's gotten wrapped up in, but he's way too committed to proving to the entire world that he's right about everything. So when he gets going on something like this it's just fucking insufferable.

Like, why the fuck did you send 8 tweets in response to some random guy's innocuous question without any more provocation? He has the type of personality where it was literally just a matter of time before he started ranting about this shit in defense of Amy just because he has a role in it. Like I said, I can separate this behavior from the comedy he puts out, and I don't even have a fucking twitter to see this kind of shit unless it's linked here. But seeing this kind of shit really reinforces CK and CQ's approaches to social media. That shit does not help you. Either don't have one, make a joke of it, or just plug your fucking gigs and be a comedian and shut the fuck up.

@BaldAmyRaqio tweeted him earlier today wanting to know why he hadn't said anything publicly to support her, twitter dark since it all started, and a few hours later he goes and does this.

Do you think stupid Kurt thinks Bald Amy is actually Amy?

He replied because we now accused the writing room of theft. It's interesting. He was silent as long as it was Amy and only Amy. But now that some are saying maybe Amy's innocent but that Kyle guy, Kurt, and others steal, he started talking. Shows you that genuine Hollywood loyalty.

Or maybe he's saying she doesn't steal, but the writers room does, in a sense owning up to it. Will be interesting if Kyle Dunnigan (Trump/Jenner) is on Race Wars this week.

Nope. Read this thread. He says that not only does Schumer not steal, but he was there in the writer's room where all of the stolen bits were conjured, orginially. https://mobile.twitter.com/boogsuge/status/692162691796963333

I stand corrected.

As if a writer can't watch something and later say "How about this idea..."


2016-01-27 01:50 UTC

@kurtmetzger those sketches were stolen,not saying Amy took them,but someone did. Do u agree with that?

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"i have seen my jokes word for word on colbert, daily show, snl, etc. i have never yet thought they stole them".

Stop trying to sound smart Kurt. None of your jokes were on the Daily show or Colbert...

Jesus, do people generally like this guy? He sounds borderline retarded on twitter.

What jokes Kurt?



Another instance where using "Kuck" is neither funny nor intelligent.

I hope he overdoses while tweeting