The level of denial among Liberal, and Wormish comedians as it becomes more and more obvious that she stole...

19  2016-01-27 by JohnTravoltasHair

It's becoming cringe worthy. Sketches, bits, single jokes. Yet establishment guys like Maron stand behind her because of her political stances, and Jimmy partially because he is terrified of burning bridges, and partially because he resents us in anything we do because we hurt his feelings.


I was thinking about it like how did the reaction form so cohesively across the board like it did. Theres no secret comedian meeting anywhere. I think its like the blue line for police. They jsut know that once the comedians start coming out it allows everyone to come out against any comedian. It makes no one safe because it makes 3 groups, those who were for Schumer, those who publicly came out against and those who didnt address it. It causes a huge line to be drawn in the sand. Any of the comics who came out for Schumer will revel in the guys from the other side having joke accusations etc.

Who knows it could happen in a million different ways but I do think the comedians collectively know that it opens the can of Jims if they all start the twitter equivalent of a cafeteria food fight with joke accusations. Cause just about everyone's going to end up with someone else's lunch on their shirt when all is said and done

Also think about this Schumer is helping to keep comedy relevant right now. She's living the dream that all of these comedians have deep down to become that moviestar Eddie Murphy style rise to fame. There are not many left like this anymore. Kevin Hart is another recent one, even Bill Burr or Louis don't get massive roles like KH / AS. Those two are actually living the Eddie Murphy Chris Rock Robin Williams thing. If comedians start smashing and tearing down the ones that reach this level or make a habit/culture of participating in that, it could devalue the whole idea of a comedian as a whole. Create a liability where it's not even worth investing into a person for Hollywood when any day there could be a video dropping, a bunch of comedians piling on, a sex tape with Chips mudda and 150 peckas, and just like that someones reputation and the reputation of everything they represent goes right down the tubes. Plus you give validation for regular people to throw out joke theft accusations and have it be acceptable. From where we stand this isn't a bad thing but if you're a comedian it probably seems like it is. IMO that is some of why attacking Amy Schumer, if you are a decently famous comedian, is bad for all comedians in the end

To many words.

Well if you're going to many words you've come to the right place

not enough "o"s

Can of Jims. That took me a moment to register then I loled hard.

That could definitely be it. But I wonder if it is or if just no one wants to get on her bad side because sticking up for her might land them an opportunity. Either way, there is obviously some disingenuity going on.

I have lost like all respect for this current generation of comedians, fucking spineless lying sacks of shit. Amy must be super connected in Hollywood that not one popular comedian is calling her out for the obvious joke theft.

She's not just connected in Hollywood, she's connected in D.C. Her cousin is a Senator. She's jewluminatti bloodline.

I still respect Louis.

He hasn't commented on this. I don't think he gives a shit enough to comment publicly. I REALLY want to know what he thinks.

The only way to really nip this in the bud would be for someone to start a youtube channel that simply parallel thinks the same way say Jimmy does. You know Chap Chaperson, Uncle Pete. Or Amy well no those aren't her joke. Old O and A gags. All you need to do is change it a little bit and it is just fine. Let's see how a Regular Jeff and his container of hot chocolate goes over, why shouldn't you profit from someones else efforts if they aren't? I'll subscribe to that channel.

Apie and Onthany

Dopie an' Agony

If only they were more conservative in their political beliefs then they would have...

Oh, wait. Ant did the same thing.

Could you expose your own ill-thought out and emotional political beliefs, in a more passive aggressive way, comrade?

I could try, but you set the benchmark pretty high when you started this topic.

Cry more.

I can guess every one of your deepest held beliefs. And what you like to wear.

Same here. Your defining trait is that you can't separate your politics from anything. In real life public, you don't bring it up, but in your mind you find liberal boogeymen in everything you encounter. Cry more.

Well I guess you don't share the same perceptive nature as I do. You're projecting your self on to me. If I didn't talk politics in real life I'd be out of a job, but working in the very much useless and fantastical world of politics - you DO end up with more left wing associates, than right wing. They're not boogeymen. They just never grew up.

"Cry more". Are you 14.

I'm 17 but very mature for my age!

Opie and Jimmy...not liberals

Bill Burr....not a liberal

Joe Rogan....not a liberal

Nick Dipaulo....not a liberal

Brian Redban.....not a conservative

opie, jimmy, burr and rogan are liberal.

Opies too dumb to have a political opinion. He just sides with whoever he's talking to

He's all in with the Bernie Sanderssssss

jimmy and opies shctick was that they are 'everyman', independent types. there are plenty of episodes where they all rail about pc, liberals bla bla bla. its just that as anthony went from mildly republican to stormfront they by default started looking liberal

Opie is a complete shithead, but said that he leans left. Jimmy is a closeted gay man who changes his tune based on whomever is in studio.

Blah Blah Blah Philly Crew


Lets dooooooo thiiiiiiiissssssss!

dipaulo's a fuckin lib. hes a proud feminist soccer mom.


Todd's phone scam voice is stolen but Amy's jokes are parallel thinking.

Overall I think the amount of shit that has been thrown will result in her name being tarnished on a universal scale. Maron & Jimmy are just little weasels with small fan bases. In the grand scheme of things their support counts for nothing as the evidence is there for us to see.

who are maron fans? he seemed just another failed nyc comic who somehow just hung on long enough to get famous. whats his appeal, cuz as a comedian he stinks

Fuckin Jim said SNL ripped off Uncle Paul cos of a few lines but not Amy? The Worm strikes again.

I think it was Chip.

It was

A lot of really strong evidence came out today and it's got to be close to undeniable now. Let's see if any comedians make big denials or attacks now. The earlier guys were stupid to jump the gun with their defenses.

They tip-toe around talking about this dickhead like she's the Cosa-fucking-Nostra.


I expected this much, but to EVEN BE CALLED a joke thief or plagiarist is something that stays with you, its embarrassing. I expect this to die down but at least shes been tarnished.

New to this sub. What hurt Jim's feelings?

I still respect Louis.

He hasn't commented on this. I don't think he gives a shit enough to comment publicly. I REALLY want to know what he thinks.

She's not just connected in Hollywood, she's connected in D.C. Her cousin is a Senator. She's jewluminatti bloodline.