Here's how a real comic deals with a joke thief

53  2016-01-26 by Ant_Sucks


Stewart Lee really puts the hackery that goes on in the comedy world that surrounds O&A into perspective.

that's pretty cool

This special is great.

Stewart Lee is great and the fucking antithesis of the hacks faggots here in this thread appreciate

I take issue with your angry and inaccurate statement regarding which comics I, as a faggot in this thread, appreciate. Please reconsider.

Not specifically you, but you, specifically

Get back in the sea, you finned cunt.

Love me some Stewart Lee. Period.

Fucking good call on the Stewart Lee footage, he's great.

Jesus what a hilarious deconstruction.

Stewart Lee is still the only comedian that I have paid to see. My favourite all time stand-up by far.

That was great. To be fair, though, I'm assuming Joe pasquale is not nearly as famous as Amy Schumer (I'm American, never heard of him). More difficult to go after a massive (literally and figuritively) celebrity without it damaging your reputation.

Pasquale was famous (in the 90s) but he's not on anyone's radars at all these days. Regardless of that though Stewart Lee can (and does) go after who he wants to. He's pretty much entirely self-sufficient by this point and pretty imperious when it comes to his reputation among the comedy muckety-mucks.

EDIT: Here's him taking some great shots at Top Gear (the BBC's biggest show at that point - he also had a show on the BBC then, and now, called Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle which is fantastic)

Thanks, I'll have to check out more of Stewart Lee's stuff. He seems pretty awesome.

There's some special of him doing the same exact joke for 45 minutes. I could not turn it off when I was watching it.

Is that the pear cider one? That is one of the greatest bits I've ever seen. There's a version posted on youtube that's annotated with Stewart Lee's explanation for each portion of the joke. He tells very sad truthful stories about his grandparents, but because he's telling them in the context of that running gag it becomes hilarious.

It's been so long I don't remember the initial joke. That and it being repeated ad nauseam kind of erased it from my memory even while watching the special. Is this the one you're talking about? I may be confusing some of the specials, looks like it's 25 minutes not 45. (If this is it, can't listen to it right now).

Yeah, that's the one. It's amazing.

I'll make sure I'll watch it after work. I think I'm confusing this bit with some bit from his comedy vehicle thing maybe. He kept repeating some joke about a rapper who published an autobiography and it was mostly pictures or something like that. Or I have no idea what I'm talking about because I've seen it so long ago.

All the people he mentioned are extremely famous in Britain.

They're all family variety show hacks, except for Jimmy Carr who's very good.

Joe Pasquale used to be a household name in the UK, think Jeff Dunham (in pretty much every sense, his act was shit squeaky voices).

The Royal Variety performance where he did that joke is an annual show in front of the Queen, generally considered one of the "most mainstream" gigs a comedian can be offered, and it's televized. The other guy is relatively unknown, he had a few sets on lesser-known late night talkshows.

The other guy is probably most famous for his appearance on "Father Ted".

Yeah that's true, good call. Just checked his wikipedia page and it is a testament to relatively unknown though -



Stewart Lee is the English Dave Attell - every comic cites him as the greatest, but will never be mainstream because he gives zero fucks about 'the industry'.

Who the hell is Joe Pasquale?

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Stewart Lee and Top Gear 9 - Pasquale was famous (in the 90s) but he's not on anyone's radars at all these days. Regardless of that though Stewart Lee can (and does) go after who he wants to. He's pretty much entirely self-sufficient by this point and pre...
Father Ted Unwelcome Visitor Channel 4 1 - The other guy is probably most famous for his appearance on "Father Ted".
Stewart Lee - Pear cider that's made from 100 per cent pears 1 - It's been so long I don't remember the initial joke. That and it being repeated ad nauseam kind of erased it from my memory even while watching the special. Is this the one you're talking about? I may be confusing some of the...

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Every YouTube comment section on Stewart Lee videos is just a bunch of guys blowing each other about how smart they must be because they like Stewart Lee.

This is exactly why British stand up is unbearable. You have two extremes and very little middle ground. It's either pseudo-edgy hacks (Carr, Boyle all those Mock the week cunts) or privately educated betas who build their overwrought material in smug opposition to the edgy hacks. If only we could have our own Quinn/Patrice school of pure comedy. Ugh stupid country.

Yeah I quite like the guy but his fans are fucking mongs.

British comics make me hate british people



Thanks, I'll have to check out more of Stewart Lee's stuff. He seems pretty awesome.

The other guy is probably most famous for his appearance on "Father Ted".