Neal Brennan claims we were eviscerated by Maron.

30  2016-01-26 by Pastatothewall


What is it called when you respond to critism with insults? There is proof of Amy stealing bits, but it doesn't matter because we are "unfuckable"? But I've had a moderate amount of sex in my life, as recently as September. So that puts a hole in their defense.

ad hominem

tss tss, i like to add chickpeas cuz it sounds like a chick just whipped out her cootah and started wizzin' all over the place like FUUUUCK youuu DVVDVVDVV

Fawkin wOrdplåy yoOma

to what?

Shut up, you reddit catchphrase using twat.



One of the cornerstones for running a successful business is taking a proactive roll in collecting criticism and making positive changes. It really is mind boggling to see these "brands" disenfranchise an entire group who is mainly made up of fans, or would be fans at the very least.



He's next

I don't think anyone here is half the hate-nerd Maron is, the guy made his bones on hating and foaming at the mouth at bullshit.

The 3 seasons of his TV show is nothing but him getting angry about the most mundane shit and then eating a shitload of icecream to "deal with it". And then more complaining about eating that icecream.

What a faggot.

Plus Andy Kindler is on it, yuck.

I agree completely, Maron is a hypocrite

Neal Brennan...that's the guy that use to ride Dave Chappelle's coat tails, right?

He still does

Isn't Chappelle living in Africa or some shit now?

Ohio, but honest mistake

The Africa of the Midwest.

Mabye he should

That's a coat that's not even being worn. At least Brueur knew it wasn't going anywhere.

One of the best specials last year. He's a solid comic. Unlike the garbage acts that are making the accusations(see:tammy)

No he was actually Chappelle's best writer and probably 1/2 of the funny of Chappelle's Show, at least.

I remember hearing from someone on O&A who was connected to the situation that Comedy Central tried to pit them against each other so they'd only have to pay Dave, or somethin like that I don't rememba!

tldr he's a pretty okay writer but he doesn't understand this situation, or, he's just like Maron, a white cuntbag SUCKING ON THE TEAT.

or, he's just like Maron, a white cuntbag SUCKING ON THE TEAT.

he is

Lol, "my sister". Fuck this guy

I can't believe we called out her LIVELIHOOD

Simple question for every comic: There are 7+ identical bits now? What level of evidence would convince you?

They all believe the Cosby accusers from the very first one. But Amy might put them in a movie so there's no way she stole. Do we really need 30 more examples to finally convince them?

Please don't compare joke theft to rape. Rape is much better.

Agreed, Amy's thefts never made me laugh.

It's bigger than Amy, going against her is going against the "grain" for them and there's a good chance they'd get fucked over by it, so they just keep SUCKLING AT THE TEAT, because there's very few honest comedians. One less now that Norton's a fucking faggot.

because there's very few honest comedians

honest comedians are poor comedians. you tell shit like it is, instead of "telling stuff like it is" (saying things that don't step on any toes of the people in Hollywood) and you end up burning bridges, best case scenario is that you stay working on the road the rest of your life making shit money.

Norton was always a faggot. Now he's an old faggot who considers the consequences before he opens his big dumb faggot mouth. It's a crying shame.

They all believe the Cosby accusers from the very first one

white women get more passes than black men?

stop the presses!

plus remember, Cosby was a conservative, that means Hollywood would do anything to destroy his reputation.

just look at how hollywood (and buzzfeed, vice, gawker, jezebel) treated lena dunham sexually assaulting her sister compared to the duggers.

As long as you agree with all the bullshit Judd Apatow and the rest of the tribe says, you get a pass.

its the same reason you don't hear one celebrity talk about Palestinians.


You can tell he's an outstanding comic by his use of shitty clickbait phrases, one of the greats of all time.

REDDITORS HATE HER: Find out how one goddess millionaire bravely stood up to a bunch of fat virgins.

Maron has framed this whole thing as if these "unfuckable hate nerds" just invented the joke stealing accusations. It was three female comics who started this whole thing. They only backed off when somebody made them. Even if everything he said about this subreddit were true, it doesn't make their accusations any less valid.

Yeah it's that silencing of them that makes me want this all to be true and watch you fuckers burn it down.

His brother Kevin was right to shit on him

No wonder Dave Chapelle went to Africa to get away from this dude.

This is that Neal? Oy vey.

I am unfuckable, i hate a lot of people and things and i am definitely a nerd but i am really struggling how are these things connected to a jew broad stealing shit like there is no tomorrow? Can you clarify this for me, MarC?

I still can't believe he call me a 'hate nerd'

"go watch MMA"

Is Neal actually related to Amy or is he just saying that because he likes pork?

Reminds me of the last remaining Bush supporters talking up the war on terror like hey guys check it out we won in Fallujah. Look at Fallujah now though

still making that Saddam-bin Laden link 12 years later...

Maron, Brennan, Norton and others sound so disconnected and idiotic when they say stuff like this. I'm not some basement dwelling virgin who is attacking Amy Schumer because she won't fuck me. I'm just a regular 21 yr old who happened to notice she was clearly stealing bits and I pointed this out because I don't like that. That's it! There's no secret agenda!

Secondly, making personal attacks is the lowest form of arguing a point. Only the simple minded/ overly emotional resort to such behaviour when engaging in a legitimate discussion.

Secondly, making personal attacks is the lowest form of arguing a point. Only the simple minded/ overly emotional resort to such behaviour when engaging in a legitimate discussion.

AKA, the first 3/4 of Marc Maron's career.

Great points all aroud. I'd just like to add, Peckahs.

Isn't it funny how these liberal windbags resort to name calling, and sexuality-charged insults the second they get angry? The sort of thing they usually find SO unacceptable. They're always exactly the person that they think they hate hidden behind an emasculated greying beard and feminine glasses.


LOVED going after MOHR and MENCIA, why? cause they're kind of BRO-EY, and the "high energy" delivery offends his cool, Jewish liberal sensibilities.
--but AMY, EMPOWERED (i.e. privileged) connected Jewish feminist .....must be protected at all cost.

Well, Jay Mohr, stole a bit from a NYC comic, put it on SNL, got caught, and admitted to his theft. Rick Shapiro, I think was the victim. Then he used Burt Kreischer story as a bit that morphed into his told on happened to Jay, himself. AND then, after being known for two decades as a thief, Jay is somehow proud to do a full special written by his wife! That's embarrassing if he was never a thief, but he honestly thought it was a great idea. Jay stole, got caught, and admitted he stole. He should never get in these conversations with other comics....unless he's discussing how shitty it feels to steal and get caught.

Ugh. That makes Jays accusation of Robin Williams stealing his joke even worse. I mean I know Robin Williams stole jokes but the one Jay accused him of stealing was just a story about something funny Christopher Walken once said to him. Like its not possible Christopher Walken said the same funny line to two people? What an asshole.

No wonder Chapelle dumped his ass

When you pretend actual people are just a simplistic idea, it's easy to "eviscerate" and "win".

Maron is a beta white knight cuckfuck who thinks Amy will slob on his nob if he defends her.


ewwww that creep. neal brennan looks like an even more sick and thin jim norton. even chappelle doesn't like that dude

I fucking love how when it comes to it all these "professionals" resort to the same shit any other flustered cunt would, the same shit they scoff at on their pedestals when they have the mesmerized rubes staring up at them, these turds put themselves in a bubble and pat themselves on the back until they believe they're these genius quick-witted untouchable guys you don't dare fuck with, Or else!

You want to know why you seem like this mental juggernaut look at any social experiment where they parade their control into an area and openly talk about how important/famous they are and eventually people will want autographs, claim to be fans and seen all their stuff.

"She's like my sis, bro! Don't you hate it when unfuckable dudes hate on your sis?!"

Shut up, Steve Buscemi with a faux-hawk.

he looks more like a down syndrome version of seth meyers

Coked out college professor is another one I've heard.

Neal sucks, and looks like the baby from Eraserhead. Even with his money he's completely unfuckable.

When she is no longer Hollywood's It Girl, watch as they all come out of the woodwork to shit on her. Rogan went after Mencia when he was doing great and it got him blacklisted at a lot of places. Years later, the truth comes out and he gets vindicated. I think Rogan just wants to stay out of this one, which I don't blame him. Last few times he went in, his good deed went unrewarded.

Maron wants to help his career so he has to defend her, even though he pretty much added fuel to the fire. Even if he thinks "I said it was just a coincidence and it wasn't stealing!" this is more smoke. A LOT of smoke.

Neal Brennan is funny but he is really into black dudes. To the point where he made a podcast about interviewing just black dudes called the champs. It is a bizarre form of liberalism and kind of racist.

I was so totally destroyed I took a sick day and stayed in bed.

I was going to say let's smash this fool in droves but, who the fuck is he?

The co-creator of Chappelle's Show.

"unfuckable hate nerds" wasn't funny and probably not accurate though I don't know who the hell everyone on here is.

They need to say that to feel better about what's happening, a bunch of people fucked with their little A list only party. If it was just people on here believing that she has stolen it wouldn't have become such a big deal. Fuck em.

You guys are attacking their piggy bank. They don't want to have to actually defend Schumer's credibility because it's a lost cause. Instead they're going to try to get in front of it and try to push off and discredit the accusers (ie "They're sexless losers who are jealous! ") and attempt to change the subject ("misogyny! They can't stand that a woman is funny! They're only attacking her because of her appearance because they hate women!"). None of that shit is meant for your consumption. It's meant to sway the people who hear that Schumer steals jokes and goes looking for stuff on Google.

Very bad people

Yeah well more evidence of Amy stealing continues to pour out so we'll see how great Maron's defense was when it's all said and done. Chances are he is defending a liar/thief. In the absolute best case scenario he is sticking up for the most unoriginal/laziest comic to ever get this successful in history.

Instead of blue check marks can we start putting yellow stars on these people

or Maron dedicates 20mins of his show to the joint.


Shut up you Bonnie McFarlane looking motherfucker.

Weird of him to want to bang his sister.

He posted that 23 hours ago. There is much stronger evidence out now and these guys look indisputably foolish. Shouldn't have jumped the gun, fellas.

Oh no now they are trying to "hate shame" us. I guess we should all curl into a ball and cry and rethink our lives and what fools we are to attack that strong, proud liberal feminist icon Amy Schumer.

Or we can act like real men and keep pointing out what a thief that unoriginal, unfuckable fat piece of garbage is and if we ever run into Marc Maron or Neil Brennan in the street punch them straight in their faces. Bunch of fucking beta male feminist faggots all of them are.

Neil is a pedophile

She's like my SISTER, maaaaaaan! Leave her ALONE!

Amy is his sister? Has he ever helped out his REAL brother Kevin Brennan?

Who is this guy?


i got an original bit for this slit, let's say you have a dog, maybe a german shepherd and pitbull mix, and a friend with a child visits wanting to give the dog a treat but when the toddler offers it the dog gets overzealous and bites off their tiny hand. /end scene

take his fuckin hair off...

Looks like someone else just made the list.

P.S. Check out his stand up on YouTube, he's an unwatchable hack on stage.


they shoulda never gave you niggas money!!!

who is this weak chinned jew


Neal Brennan looks like he has progeria. Opinion invalid.

I got fucked last night and I didn't pay for it. Jealous Jimmy, you filthy fucking faggot?