Proof that you've been cucked by Danny

0  2016-01-26 by GrandpaCumia


There's that word again..."Cuck"...

Jews scam. Danny scammed the sub for rogaine and alcohol YOU DUN GOOFED

Good, I like it.

You mean proof that the guy harassing me is a liar? What's your deal with me. If you doubt what I say, call the 94th pct. Here's the number (718) 383-3879. I already posted the 2 report numbers, you'll see they match up. Balls in your court, so before you start another thread lying your ass off, do your due diligence.

Better delete that number bro. The mods will ban you

Nah, it actually IS the # for the 94th pct

Why do you have so much time on your hands these days Danny?

Replying to reddit comments takes time?

well it doesnt, if you don't have something important to focus on.

So like....what are you doing right now... how many texts do you respond to. Emails. That's all this is. Takes mere minutes.

Texts and emails are usually from people you know.

Thanks for the tip.


That was known in November Danny released a picture in daylight when the whole east coast and midwest was dark. This plus that it was already assumed he was on the west coast and he didnt argue that

Danny's stalker has been around since Danny was on Facebook arguing with fans every day. That was like 2010ish. Whether or not the stalker exists or whether Danny really needs money is up for debate but the Danny stalker itself is nothing new. He's been bringing it up since years before this crowdfunding fiasco. That was very much not a good idea though, to do here

Question for you. How do you know this degenerate was on my Facebook in 2010? How would you know that? Also, there is no "fiasco" (oooooooh, The Fiasco....). I shared a link here. Hiring a professional for services costs money. What would you do in my spot when you know this bill will end up running north of 5 grand? I think I've been beyond transparent here.

Because you posted about it all the time.. You deleted me and every other listener a long time ago too I think cause you're gone from my friends list. I don't fault you for trying it out, but it was bound to be a disaster because of the nihilistic esque nature of this place. Even before the Schumer fiasco, accoding to the voting this place was even dead set on not donating to Jim's cartoon. If we can't get the subreddit to back a Chip cartoon, I imagine nothing's going to be supported financially here

I deleted over 3000 people when this whole thing started. Sorry you were one of them. Why does Jim need donations for a cartoon? He's rich. Me? I'm not rich. Plus this is some real life, vicious stuff. Silly me thought some people here would understand that a very real line has been crossed. This isn't a couple of "haters" hurting my feelings. These are specific threats of rape and murder. A bit different than a Chip cartoon produced by a guy with a 6 figure salary.

With the anonymity and ease of making new accounts on reddit it gets insane in the subreddit. It's no problem man. 6 figure salary huh? Speculate..

I am curious when I saw that you started the crowdfund I was wondering -- has this guy actually been at you since back in those days all the way until now, or did he reappear after word got out you were checking back into 'O&A world'? If it's the former, that is quite fucked up

No, He's been at this almost every day since October of 2014. Did you read the GFM, or do you just want to shit on me for making it. The sub only knows about it since I popped in. Every single day this person threatens me and my friends and my family. Every single day. For what is now 16 months. It's one of those things that you probably just will never be able to phathom until it happens to you. Get called into your bosses office where they start asking you about weird emails they are getting about you. Have your family members addresses get shoved back at you with threats of violence and rape. You deal with that for a year and half and let me know how you'd handle things after zero help from authorities.

Stop deflecting. The time you spend on here ranting about this "harassment" you could have posted the police report. Admit it, there's no police report. Stop sidetracking the sub with your horse shit and post the report. You can't post it, because it doesn't exist. Dumb fuck, the officers don't give out information on "cases" to strangers. Post it and we will all suck your dick hard. If you are "harassed" you deserve it with your sleezy better than thou shit. Most of us think you're a pathetic loser and laugh at you. Post the report or shut the fuck up and go back to obscurity.

Stfu already. There's two, and about to be a third. If I can't find the original 2 I'll just request copies. None of this is difficult and would be a pretty asinine thing to lie about when it can be so easily checked out. You (stalkerboy) know my NY address. For the last time. Go call. Do it. Don't just say shit. Go do it. Super easy to confirm.

Lol yeah, I'm the one with free time. How many messages you send me just today. .. this is YOUR job. You spend all day everyday and weekends doing this. 20 mins apart. For 8 hours a day. That's legit. So, don't worry about how I spend my time ok? Worry about how you spend yours and what went wrong in your life that you obsess over me this much. You could've picked somebody much more interesting. You obsess over me of all people. That's so sad.

Did you really just type "lmao to infinity" 4 times? I am the one who lmaos now. Have fun sending me messages all night. That's your life. I am your life. 16 months now, I am your entire life. That's sadder than any of the alternate realities you come up with about me. "Lmao to infinity harder". Really? Really. Christ you're out of touch.

See how I control you? All I have to do to get you all worked up is post. One post from me equals what, 40 from you? Who's in front of a PC all day? It's you. 100s and 100s and 100s of messages. You make shit up and believe it. Get on some meds, guy.

3 am. This is what you're doing? That's pathetic. You need to take a good hard look in the mirror. That's "lmao to infinity". Do you think that sounds cool? You sound like a 9 year old Buzz Lightyear. Police report number 3 is filed. Now I'll sit back and watch you write me another 16 messages saying the same dumb shit over and over and over. "Ruin your life bro, kike jew, rinse repeat." I get it. Find a new angle. This one's tired. need a release all day everyday? Your life sounds pretty shitty. Especially with all this available time to write me all day. Everyday. You can say whatever you want. Doesn't change the fact that you sit there spending your entire life typing shit out to me. I spend like 10 mins a day on you when I feel like it. It's 3:06am. You loser you.

Can you link to a thread or post that explains where this all started?


I'm sorry to hear that. Though not to this degree, I've experienced something similar.

Pal, 16 months isn't "0 fucks given". You give many fucks. 16 months worth of fucks. I hope whatever I did to you was worth it.


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This guy really is half a fag.

Just remember, it's not rape if you push back.

Only six figures? What a rube!