BREAKING NEWS: OpieRaqio Music Show Confirmed

11  2016-01-26 by echojams



That was perfect

Non-opinions about the news, non-opinions about documentrees now non-opinions on music.

He's the total package.

He'll just get some of his guys in there that have their own opinions and then just adopt them as his own. Jimmy mentioned he liked Johnny Cash once, then what'd ya know, Opie is now all in with the Johnny Cash!


ME: I've BEEN sahyin this fhor yeurs!!! Lanyard Skinnerd akr Schoooo undarated. sniff

ME: When Simpleton comes on, I have to shut evuryone up and turn it up, as, loud, as, it will, go!, evuryone....hew knowz me...wood tell'ya. sniff

Jimmy: Yeah.

fawk you cocksucka


Have you heard freebird?

ME:FHHKKUCK'n luv the Bettulz. Free as a bird was lyk my chilhood!!


Tits n Hits

Alice in Chains, Nirvana, maybe a little Soundgarden (but just a taste)

That statement made me want to kill


What the fuck is there to "work on" exactly? It's not like he's going investigate this 3 string guitar playing djembe player he discovered one night drinking moonshine in a dive bar in New Orleans. It'll be essentially using an iTunes 'Genius playlist' and then reading the bands Wikipedia pages before introing the song.

He said on todays show that he'd just do crazy shit like johnny cash into pearl jam into run d.m.c.

Doesn't that sound fucking awesome?

Holy shit that would be CRAZY!

Too crazy for me, I'm gonna sit this one out guys.

He's honestly been saying that for years. Like, those exact bands too. Also, I'm pretty sure the only Johnny Cash song he actually knows is the cover he did of Hurt.

ME: (sniff) fffuuuuuck have you guys heard this track enter sandman? little too heavy for me to be honest with ya. That riff is fuckin Braoooodhal

I've always said that what the world needs is another old man with barely a basic grasp on music knowledge to host a show where he talks about and plays music in the year 2016 where you can literally find anything that was ever made in 2 seconds.

I hope he dies soon.

Upvote for "I hope he dies soon"

"What? Are you gonna go back to spinnin' records?"

Great. I look forward to never hearing it.


The circle. The circle of liiiife.

Ugh, sounds fucking horrendous.

"If you play records for a living I have no respect for you. None."

I was just going to post this. He actually said this, this morning and a few hours later announces he is doing a music show?

Yet another thing he ripped off Bennington. They just started doing a music show- GPS.

Congrats Opie - maybe one day you'll figure out why Ron doesn't respect you.

Ron is doing a music show? What channel is it on?

GPS with Bennington on Deep Tracks

Nice, I'll have to track it down.

For someone who admittedly can't do radio unless he has a lot of help, he sure likes being on radio shows. He should hang out with his wife and kids more.


That's "Ooh To Be Ah" by Kajagoogoo on vinyl. Fffuuucckkk!

I guess the doc show was too difficult to keep up and he needs to fill Sam's old time slot.

The stingles are fucking off,he can't do it on his own.

Pearl Jam and Pumpkins on heavy rotation.

I'm reminded when Ant was on vacation and he had Jay Mohr on. This guy is such a useless talent. All he could do was play what appeared to be the entirety of Siamese Dream and just basking in his taste in music. Damn, I wish I wish I could find that shitty clip now.

I wonder what deep cuts the opster will play

He's got "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam cued up, gonna go fucking deeeeeeep.

Hey Opster how did that documentree show go? Oh that good huh?

The other week he said someone requested an Oasis song to start the show via Twitter. He chose "Wonderwall". This is all you need to know about Opie.

I cant wait to see this playlist. Eeees teeee peeee!!!!

"This guy's on the Gregg Hughes show!"

Oooh, maybe he'll have legendary jock Brother Wease join him to spin some tunes.


He's got to figure it out....he'll prob get right on it after he finishes all the books and movies he has to go back and check out first.

It would not suprise me they gave Shells a music show. XM used to be a great station. Less DJ talk, plenty of good diverse music. I used to listen to Deep Tracks and would enjoy listening to Earl Bailey. Now we have idiots like Jim Ladd who play such predictable crap. Opie is just one step away from being another idiot disc jockey.

You can thank Mel Karamzin for that. He destroyed terrestrial radio, and he did the same to sat. radio. He even bragged about it in interviews. He said, when he came on board at Sirius, he was going to monetize it just like he did terrestrial radio. So XM, which was a truly awesome platform (The only time I've ever heard Frank Zappa on the radio was on XM), got merged with Sirius, the decent channels were dropped (XM had an excellent punk channel), and we got corporate playlists (Woo - AC/DC, Pearl Jam and Metallica, 24/7!), annoying jocks, commercials, and just pure crap. New music? What's that?

It's enraging. XM was run by people who knew radio, and loved music, and seemed to be passionate about what they did. When's the last time Sirius bothered to put out a new player? Xm was doing cool things with hardware, Sirius doesnt bother. Ever since Mel Karmazin took over, the service got shittier and blander and more crappy, just like the terrestrial stations he destroyed.

Now, the new owners just seem to...I don't even know what they're doing. I think the burden of Howard's contract has stifled budgets for anything creative, and the new owners don't seem to care about doing more than signing contracts to car manufacturers.

I fucking loved XM. I bought it early, after one day during my commute I realized that in the 45 minutes I was driving, my local "classic rock" station played exactly one song. The rest was commercials. Fuck. That. (Yes, it was a Mel Karmazin station, too.) XM was awesome. TONS of music. Stuff I'd never heard on radio before.

Now? I don't own a radio. I'm serious, for the first time in my life, for the last couple of years, I don't own a radio, except for my car, which is playing music and podcasts from my phone, the stations presets are what they were from the factory. No stereo tuner, no sat. radio.

Thanks Mel. And fuck you, Mel.

I was howling!


ME: I go deep with Da Beatles. sniff Here's a little ditty called "Revelation" from the Plastic Soul album. burp

Florentine is available.

what happened to the Doc series?

Said no one ever.

It was too successful so they had to cancel it. People were losing their minds


Good. He deserves as many platforms as possible to finally introduce people to Godsmack.

I want the opieradiobot to tell me he's all in with the Pearl Jam. Right, Opie?

Holy shit that would be CRAZY!

He's honestly been saying that for years. Like, those exact bands too. Also, I'm pretty sure the only Johnny Cash song he actually knows is the cover he did of Hurt.

That was perfect

I was just going to post this. He actually said this, this morning and a few hours later announces he is doing a music show?

Nice, I'll have to track it down.