Is Ant nuts protesting on every episode on TACS that you can't get away with saying and showing anything these days?

33  2016-01-26 by Lilcumia

What does he want? To say nigger? You can, has in the past and so have others. Didn't he defend eugenics without cencorship? What's even more stupid is his 'agree all' guests nod their head and try and validate the point. Ron did great calling him out saying we're in a time where people have gotten away with the most.

Is this a combination of getting fired, playing victim and pushing the agenda? Who is he fighting for?


For a guy whose political and social beliefs supposedly revolve around "personal responsibility," I'm not sure he's ever taken responsibility for anything. He'd rather play the victim card every time. So let's all just sit back, relax, and enjoy the shitstorm that is his life. It's incredible theater.

It's incredible theater

and a fake candle uh ha ha ha

But real silverware!

Its alcohol related dementia

Poor son of a bitch is going to be on the SS Tunisia watching Golden Girls before the year ends.

SS Tunsia is the Panzer division he thinks he belongs to.

Oh no no no I'm not a Tunisian knife fighter.

Listening to the episode with Ron, Ant sounds really foggy. Certainly not as quick as he's been.

It's Korsakoff's cough!!!!!

We've gone over this with Opie.

It's an excuse for the fact that nothing actually happens on his show anyway. It's essentially saying, "We could have a great show, but......".

To suggest we live in such a horrifically repressed time is ludicrous. We can say and do absolutely anything we want - you just have to be prepared for the consequences.

Ant has a very skewed view on rights and freedoms as he has always believed he has been, or will be, a victim of violations of these protections. However he is blissfully unaware that interpretation of these rights by the domestic legal system is what counts, and not his interpretation that he does in his basement, sipping on a Guinness while upstairs Brother Joe rifles through his wallet again.

If you're going to complain about limitations, you need to flirt near the boundary of these confines. Sitting at a fucking desk with people agreeing with your retarded views is either 'giving up' or it's all you have left in the tank (hankerous) anyway. So Ant, don't suggest your show is currently bad due to external factors. It's not. It's the external factors you choose to bring in that are limiting the trajectory of your show.

Playing the victim while doing nothing about it...yet another example of how astonishingly similar Ant is to the stereotypical black bogeymen he rails against.

Ant grew up in a one parent house while his mom scammed welfare...

Thats racist dude. Dont you know only faggot progressive college shits who dont have to work come here? They dont like hearing that regressive old person shit


I didn't realize that it's PC social climate and censorships fault for his show being an unfunny mess.

And here I was wondering if it was because of lack of interesting guests, topics and the absence of humor.

Domestic violence was hardly a crime "back in this thing we call 'the day'". Ant should just go full Robert Durst tbh

Anthony wants to live in a world where everyone agrees with him. it's as simple as that. He wants to call black people niggers to their faces and tell them how shitty their lifestyles are without any repercussions, because that is his idea of an "open and honest" dialogue on race. Anything short of that means he is living in a socialist society that wants nothing more than to take his guns away and give all of his money to black people.

He's spent 8 years being completely wrong about nearly every single aspect of the Obama administration, yet he continues to convince himself and his idiot fans that he picked up during his stint on Chimpout or Niggermania or whatever it was that USA is deadly close to bordering on an actual communist society and the only way to combat that is to drunkenly tell the President that he is a socialist nigger.

I almost want Bernie Sanders to win because I think Anthony's head will actually explode. Nevermind the fact that if Sanders does in fact win, most likely none of what he says will ever even come close to going into effect and he will fall in line just like Obama did, all the while scared old white people piss their pants in rage over things that aren't happening.

Obama fucking sucks. He turned me libertarian.

Okay? I couldn't give a shit if he raped your mother. I don't like Obama. I don't like Sanders. I don't like Hilary and I don't like the republicans either. What I said wasn't in support of them in any way, though I am not at all shocked people's kneejerk reaction was to take it as such.

My dad cant see his heart doctor without looking for loopholes. So hes trying to kill my dad. Fuck you


Youre a fucking WRESTLING FAN. Lol

That caps lock really proved something. I hope your dad gets a new heart that just happens to have cancer. Then Obama comes in to shake hands with all doctors involved.

And your dad will be dead soon. We all have our faults.

If only your father had edged instead.

Loophole carditis is a serious condition sir

hahahahahahahaha you're lying. Seriously. You cannot be telling the truth.

Ant really is just a pissy-eyed faggot. Go listen to the older O&As where he talks about guns, he NEVER fails to admit that it lends him a feeling of great security. He just wants his Mommy and his Daddy and Daddy just happens to come in the form of a gun for him.

He actually pays Keith to protect him like a dad and then pays Ange to clean up after his parties like a mom.

Wow, you are entirely correct. God damn, Ant.

Don Lemon had a whole show on CNN where he talked about the use of the word nigger... he, himself, used the word and had his guests on the show using the word. This was on CNN news. He wasn't censored or fired or fined. Obama used the word Nigger on a podcast. Put on a show like Always Sunny and they say and do shit that you'd never have gotten away with 15 years ago on TV. And this horseshit that the boys always talk about where "there is no nudity in comedies anymore" is also insanity. If you watch a rated R movie, you're gonna see AT LEAST some tits. I just don't know what the fuck they think is going on and how they could be so off the mark.

To be fair, Obama saying "nigger" was in the news for a week straight with the headline "President Says N Word." Marc was on Good Morning America or one of those shows and they spent at least half of the segment talking about that. That got a ton of negative press, even though he used to word 100% in context. It was fucking embarrassing.

And Maron's podcast has never been bigger. He didn't collapse because of "controversy." The president said nigger and his podcast skyrocketed and IFC picked up his show for another season. That's not a negative consequence if ya ask me.

That wasn't my point; your post made it sound like today you can get away with saying anything controversial, the N word in particular, and people scarcely notice. They absolutely do, the press and social media are more childish and attention seeking than ever.

I wasn't saying if the president of the United States says nigger nobody would notice but watch always sunny, for example, and they've used "nigger" on that show and nobody gave a shit. It was funny and there was no outrage. And that was back season 1 or 2 and they only got more successful since then.

It seemed like it the way you had it written. Maybe I read it wrong. I don't watch Always Sunny so I have no clue, but I wonder how they get away with it. "Sort of a weird time right now." - Joe Cabot

They get away with it because the show is insanely funny. When the jokes land you can get away with anything. They also routinely make tranny jokes, use the word fag and the one character, Dennis, talks about raping girls all the time. It works because it is hilarious. Just like Bennington told Ant, he got away with saying anything he wanted to when he was being funny about it. He started being held to a different standard when he stopped being funny and started talking about his race issues from his house over twitter and then bringing that shit onto the show without any humor.

Exactly. In the context of a joke, saying "nigger" should work just fine. Without that humor, without that context it's become something closer to a political show that sounds like its making some kind of statement. That tends to, even with over sensitive attention seeking media, garner more shit than a few jokes do.

Love Always Sunny...


Ok well shows like "Always Sunny" used the word nigger and the show is still insanely popular. That was way back in season 1 also and they only got more popular after that. If we are in a PC culture where nobody can say or do anything and shit like that is supposed to get people fired or shows canceled and "only South Park can get away with shit because they are a cartoon" then how come Always Sunny could say "nigger" and get signed for 8 more seasons after that? (They also still use words like tranny and fag and there are tons of jokes about rape, etc).


It really depends on how you make your money. People like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter and a lot of right wing people make more now and have more content now because they make half of their livings trashing the PC culture and they love being on the news for saying something controversial. Look at Trump. We are supposed to be a PC country of babies and Trump is beloved and he's the least PC candidate in history. How is Trump doing so well if everyone is such a pussy?


People who hate Trump hate him because he just says dumb shit and doesn't offer any explanation for anything he plans on doing. Also a lot of conservative people hate him because he is a life-long liberal who has always been pro choice (including partial birth abortions), pro gun regulation, pro universal healthcare, pro amnesty for immigrants, etc. He is pretending to be a conservative and it's working.


I'm saying people don't hate Trump because he says shit that isn't politically correct. People hate him because he is full of shit. His positions didn't change. He is just pretending to be a conservative. As recently as a year ago he was saying how great Hillary is, Calling Nancy Pelosi "a brilliant woman," supporting universal health care, supporting amnesty, saying we need to strengthen gun regulation and saying that he is 100% pro life/calling himself "a liberal on most issues." That is why people don't like Trump. Real conservatives can't stand the guy because they know he is full of shit and they will lose if he wins the primaries because there are hours of interview footage of him espousing liberal ideologies. Or do you think in the matter of a year he has completely changed his mind about everything he ever stood for? Suddenly he turned 69 years old and decided "the last 50 years I was wrong.. I'm actually a conservative." The guy even pretends to be a Christian and said his second favorite book is the Bible and he couldn't quote a single verse when he was asked what his favorite Bible verse was. This is one of the most obvious cases of a guy lying to win support that I've ever seen. If it wasn't for the fact that Trump says controversial shit that appeals to middle-America and the anti-PC crowd he would have been laughed out of the race months ago. The only reason he has support is because he says controversial shit.

Clinton is full of shit too. You won't get any argument out of me there. She just says whatever is popular at the time. If the majority of the country is anti-gay marriage she'll be anti-gay marriage.



Just watch the link. The stuff in that ad are the reason conservatives hate Trump.


Don't listen to the guy... just the ad. I took the link that was posted on reddit already. Trump is more liberal than TYT.


Did you watch the video? He says he doesn't agree with guns, he supports partial birth abortion, he supports amnesty for immigrants, he supports universal health care beyond Obamacare, he thinks Hillary and Nancy Pelosi are brilliant (even TYT doesn't like them), he wants to raise taxes to pay for his universal health care which will be like Canada's, he supports eminent domain (even TYT doesn't support that) etc. He hasn't had a conservative bone in his body for the last 3 decades. He is running a fake campaign and people are so excited that he said shit about Mexicans and Muslims that they ignore the fact that he's a democrat running to help Hillary win.


So you honestly think at the age of 69 he changed his mind about everything he spent the last 50 years of his life supporting? That is more likely to you than the idea that he's just lying to win support from right-wingers who don't look into his history? I mean as recently as a year ago he was praising Hillary and Pelosi and Obama and calling for Canadian-style Universal Health care and gun regulation AND amnesty for immigrants. Now he's running for President and suddenly he's changed his mind about everything? The guy is full of shit. Why do you think he hasn't offered 1 single specific policy idea his entire campaign? (aside from "build a wall" which people have been saying for decades only Trump added "Mexico will pay for it" and then the President of Mexico said "yeah.. no we fuckin won't... good luck with that" and that was that).


Well yeah... since he was 19-20 he was old enough to vote and have political ideas and he said he always leaned left and he also said that in his lifetime/since he was old enough to vote the economy is always better under a Democrat. The difference is with Bernie even if you hate how liberal he is you can look at a 40 year voting record and see that he has always been progressive. He isn't saying shit now that is totally opposite from what he said a year ago. Trump is very clearly just saying shit that appeals to the far right and it's going to end up resulting in Hillary being the president. I'm extremely entertained by Trump and I love watching him carry on during the debates and at rallies but in the end if he wins the Republican primaries Hillary is going to be president.


Well he didn't really become a Democrat. He just decided to run as a Democrat so that he can get into the debates. He still identifies as a democratic-socialist. He's always caucused with the democrats though.

On a side note now I am seeing that Trump is refusing to participate in the Fox News debate because they won't get rid of Megyn Kelly. This guy wants to be President and he is refusing to go to the debate because the "mean" lady who asked him a hard question is going to be there. How does that look? But watch him buy air time on a competing channel for the same time that the debate is airing and everyone will tune in to Trump.



2016-01-27 00:52 UTC

If I don't want to go on a date with someone, it doesn't mean I'm "scared" of them. It means I don't want to.

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Well it is different with Bernie.. He hasn't changed a single position of his. It isn't like he registered as a Democrat and also changed his stance on Wall Street regulation. Everything he says is exactly the same as everything he's said the last 40 years. He only registered himself as a Democrat because if you don't run under Dem or Rep you aren't allowed in the debates. Trump changed from liberal to conservative and changed every single position he has ever taken to win support from republican voters.

Nice spin by Coulter... Imagine what she'd say if Hillary or Obama refused to go on a debate because they didn't like one of the moderators. She'd say "You want to get into a negotiation room with Putin and the heads of state of China and you can't even face Megyn Fuckin Kelly?! Are you kidding me?! You pussy!" But since it is Trump he is somehow being heroic. And your point about Hillary stands.. when she doesn't face the press she is a pussy... She doesn't get praised by Coulter for "controlling the narrative and being strong." When Trump flees the debate because Megyn Kelly was mean to him he is demonstrating leadership.



2016-01-27 00:24 UTC

If Trump skips debate and does his own event, he becomes the story (again) and positions himself against "the establishment" going into Iowa

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My Trump logic is that he changed all of his positions. I don't care if Bernie calls himself a Libertarian as long as his positions stay the same (as they have) it doesn't matter what he calls himself. Bernie is consistent in all of his policies and beliefs. That is what makes someone genuine. Trump didn't just change his party. He changed all of his positions. He was for amnesty, now he says he wants to round up the Mexicans and send them back. He was against guns all together and now he is pro 2nd amendment. He was 100% pro choice to the point where he supported partial birth abortions (and a lot of liberals don't even go that far) and now he is a Christian conservative who is pro-life. He was pro-Hillary/said she's a brilliant woman who surrounds herself with very smart people and is very capable of handling a deal with Iran and now he says Hillary is not a good leader and having a deal with Iran was a terrible idea. His positions changing are the issue.

And yeah he is against the establishment now but what happens when he gets into office and it turns out he is really the liberal Trump that he's been for the last 3 decades and not the new conservative Trump?


Go to a Trump rally and tell me how many people there are liberal. They are anti-establishment but they are hardcore right wingers who are anti-establishment. Trump isn't hardcore right wing. There's a reason the Trump supporters are supporting Trump and not Bernie. Both of those candidates are not establishment candidates but the Trump supporters support him because they expect him to be conservative. A lot of them don't realize that as recently as last year he was praising Hillary and talking about how striking a deal with Iran would be a great idea. Was he lying then or is he lying now?

And no, it isn't sad if your positions don't change. If you are progressive you are pro equal rights, pro government, pro wage increases, pro taxing the rich, pro wall street regulation, etc. Why should a progressive change their positions on this stuff? To pander to an audience who disagrees with you? That's weak. You only change your positions if you don't actually have a principled belief in the positions that you take. I actually respect Bernie a lot because at least he is genuine. I might not agree with a lot of what he says but I believe that he is saying what he honestly thinks.


Bernie is 74 and maintaining your core principles is very common for people who aren't spineless. If you think everyone should get universal health care that is a position you should grow out of? It's a core progressive principle. If you are an equal rights advocate like Bernie has been since the 60s you don't grow out of that either. Pretending to change your mind about shit based on the audience you are trying to impress isn't growth. "I used to be pro amnesty last year but, ya know, I've grown as a person so now I think we should deport all of the Mexicans and build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it!" Yeah... that's not pandering... that's growth...

They expect him to be right-wing/anti-establishment. Nobody supporting Trump is liberal. And yes I am aware that Trump has been friends with Hillary but he was also blowing her for being a great leader and saying she would be great at getting a deal with Iran. You can be friends with somebody and ideologically opposed to them. He was ideologically aligned with her which is why he always gave her and Bill money and why he always vocally endorsed her as being a smart/good leader. Now he is turning around and saying there should have been no deal with Iran and Hillary is a shitty leader. so which is it?


Do you understand changing your philosophy/doing a 180 on your core principles isn't growth? "I marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and now I hate black people! Growth!" Going from kissing Hillary's ass for being a great leader to a year later trying to say she is a shitty leader isn't growth. It's pandering. How the hell is Trump supposed to debate Hillary when to do so he also has to debate himself from last year. He will come across as a disingenuous jerkoff... kinda like a politician. And then we get the worst case scenario: Hillary winning by a landslide.


Well that's where we differ the most. I can't stand the thought of Hillary being president. And I still don't see the RNC letting Trump be the nominee. Even if he wins the primaries they will steal it away from him at the convention to "protect the party."


I was listening to the Presidential election handicappers on the radio a few days ago and they have Rubio and Cruz ahead of Trump as far as best chance of winning the election for the Republicans. And the group that was doing the odds was right about the elections the last 3 times. In all of the scenarios they still have Hillary winning but Trump isn't their favorite for the Republicans. I do like that Trump is blowing up the party and putting on a good show but I don't like that the end result will be Hillary in the White House. I wish Trump was more like Ross Perot.

Did you see Trump's plan to end heroin addiction?


No, he was talking to a high school yesterday and he said the plan is to talk to kids and try to tell them not to do drugs before they ever even start. Basically it's the "just say no" campaign again ha.

And the handicappers are different than the establishment analysts and the polls. They win and lose money based on what they think. They aren't going by mainstream thinking. They have their own algorithm they operate by.


Yeah but the handicappers get inside info and the fact that they still have him 3rd to win the Republican primaries tells me that they know the RNC isn't going to let him win. They had him something like 10-1 odds. A lot of people would see that and put 1000 bucks down on Trump because he is so far ahead and assume that's an easy 10k to win. There's got to be a reason that they have him as that much of a longshot. I would have expected he would be the best bet and would be 2-1 or 3-1 at most. Hell, I almost signed up to lock my bet in on him at those odds... and that's just the primaries... he doesn't even need to win the Presidency for the better to win that money.


I'm sure they are because they are probably looking forward to the candidates being able to trash Trump without him being there and talking shit about how he couldn't even handle the scrutiny of a moderator so how can he handle the oval office and other hack lines like that. The problem for the RNC will be that nobody will be watching the debate to see any of that happening. And if Trump does buy some air time on another network or book himself on some show to compete with the debate he is going to make the entire field look stupid because everyone is going to tune in to see what Trump is doing.


Well it depends on the nature of what he's doing because they have fair time rules. If he holds a rally that night they can broadcast it as a news event. If he wants to talk for the duration of the debate on a network he'll most likely have to pay. I could see him going with a rally.


He certainly has enough money where if he wanted to buy air time he could easily do that. I was watching something the other day where one of his advisors said that he hasn't even had to dip into his own money. He is able to fund everything he is doing with his donations. And he is also one of 2 ( he and Bernie) candidates who are accumulating their donations from millions of small donors rather than relying on giant donations from a handful of people/corporations/SuperPACS. Something like upwards of 80% of their donations come from people throwing under 200 bucks towards their campaigns (the average donation to Bernie, for example, is 27 bucks). To put that in perspective, people like Hillary and Ted Cruz get over 50% of their donations from large donors.

Trump, realistically, if he wanted to could buy 3 hours of air time on a network without any worries about his campaign budget. Ross Perot did that back when he was running but I think he only bought an hour.

Pissy eyed ant.

The right makes their money pretending they're persecuted, the left makes their money pretending they're righteous. And whats totally ironic is it makes way more sense if you flip those attitudes.

We're talking about Amy right now, come back in a week

If it involves the conquest of southern Spain then I think we're all aware of what team he's on.

Thats what I hate the most about TACS his now we are talking uncensored shit. But then he just talks about the same old shit he that he did at sirius. Like his classic if you wanted to talk to charlton heston back in the day you had to write a letter and it would get to his assistant.... Also has anybody actually noticed a new PC culture in there Personal life? I sure havent I think if you look for it you will find it but I think he overblows the Problem to be a Hero who stands up to the PC Police eventhough this Police doesnt really care about his small show anyways He could were black face on his show and read the bell curb and nobody from the mainstream press would even pay attention

Hes back to the "anger" phase in his cycle of grief from being shit canned

Hes back to the "anger" phase in his cycle of grief from being shit canned alive

He's either pandering to the out of touch "Comedy can't get away with anything nowadays!" old folk, or has succumbed to that mentality himself.

Try saying cunt on TV in them good ol' days, or getting up to the same antics as the It's Always Sunny gang.

Try saying bruce jenner is a freak. Curse words are ok... but calling a messed up person a freak could get you fired

Miss that entire season of South Park huh?

Walter Kronkite would have gotten fired if he used his platform to say that niggers are savages back in the oldy times too.

He's a delusional old man like his former partner

He's the absolute worst in regards the the poor persecuted white guy horseshit. This is a guy who said his freedom of speech was "in chains"...over the fucking airwaves, nationwide, on the radio show he was getting paid millions to do. I heard what you said, and you weren't taken off the radio. So the undeniable fact was that your freedom of speech wasn't in chains. Same way he was wrong about federal gun bans. Same way he was 100% wrong about Obama not stepping on anyones toes to get Bin Laden. Of course the second Obama sent a team that shot Bin Laden in the face, it became "ANY PREZIDENT WULD DO DAT NO CREDIT". Ugh. Fuck off. Just admit you were wrong.

It was never "an open and honest discussion" the last few years he was on O&A. It was him taking EVERY opportunity to scream about blacks or guns, and most of the time it was the same shit he had screamed about just days prior.


I didn't just type it, I said the word.


to nobody


Is Ant nuts protesting on every episode on TACS


that you can't get away with saying and showing anything these days?


Thats racist dude. Dont you know only faggot progressive college shits who dont have to work come here? They dont like hearing that regressive old person shit

Ant grew up in a one parent house while his mom scammed welfare...

Don't listen to the guy... just the ad. I took the link that was posted on reddit already. Trump is more liberal than TYT.