Stanhope is live on Rogan right now and they're talking about Amy Schumer (Starts somewhere around the 35 min mark)

5  2016-01-26 by robobot


Could not give a fuck unless they were mocking how fat she's getting.


Nothing interesting at all though. Just discussing her, not the joke theft

So what did they end up saying?

It's so HARD being famous. Poor Amy.

It was actually a little more interesting than that. Stanhope basically said that he remembers being younger and being compared to Bill Hicks and that she might be overcompensating in the same ways that he used to.

Rogan didn't want to get into the joke stealing thing, but it was still a pretty good conversation.

did stanhope ask him about it? , I liked Stanhopes "finger you when you were six" line

Yeah, my bad. Premature linkage.


It was actually a little more interesting than that. Stanhope basically said that he remembers being younger and being compared to Bill Hicks and that she might be overcompensating in the same ways that he used to.

Rogan didn't want to get into the joke stealing thing, but it was still a pretty good conversation.