Is "Harry Hater" a subtle commentary on American masculinity following the collapse of domestic manufacturing?

24  2016-01-25 by Mick_Mickerson

With reliable employment in mills and factories a thing of the past, many American males find themselves without purpose. They lash out at perceived injustices (Global warming, deflategate) and hate.

Is that how you all read the character?


Opie's 'Harry Cocksucker' character is a brave attempt to highlight gay and lesbian inequalities in our culture. The fact that he was willing to actually perform fellatio on camera is a testament to his commitment to LGBT issues.


He's truly a man of the people.

Harry Hater is a commentary on the audiences response to the production of ironic caricature. Its a meta-theoretical analysis of how post modern social dogma becomes alienated from lived perspectives of social actors, especially in regards to identity construction. I feel like we are superficially meant to believe this is Bourdieusian critique, but that in itself seems to be a gentle jib at Foucauldian notions of panopticism.

Harry Hater is an expose on the internet as a medium, as a medium which reduces everything including great art (i.e. G. Hughes) to profane and indistinct garbage, which is then mocked by the internets dehumanised inhabitants.

In years to come, people will say, 'Opie. But if only we had listened to thee'.

I think he is an example of being in an existential funk when one embraces Nihilism. If there is no God or no afterlife, then what is the purpose of life? Why live? I mean fawwwkkkkk.

Your post is funnier and more elegant than anything Opie has done in the last 5 years.

57 years

I thought he was just a gay, I dunno

If you just wrote "peckahs" I would have upvoted this but you blew it.

haha fair enough.


Is that how you all read the character?


Anyone got a mirror to the harry hater vid with Jimmy laughing? I need a laugh

YESSSSS you haters finally get what I was going for. that's the bit. how's that feel fucker?

Oh! yeah... HarryHater . That's a rather clever jab at inter office politics don't you think.

...yeah... uh, but, why is it that the, that HarryHater enjoys sucking on a cock?

Well, crappy videos are like gossamer and one doesn't dissect gossamer, ahem.

Well you don't have to dissect it, if you can just tell me. Why this is supposed to be funny?

Ha! It's merely a commentary on contemporary mores.

But, what is the comment.

It's a slice of life.

No it isn't.


I don't think so.


That's not a word...You have no idea what this means do you?


Then why did you make it?

... I liked the pecka.

It's about my fawkin peckas!

Someone just read 'Fight Club' for the first time.

No, I'm just trying to attribute meaning to the Harry Hater web series.