There it is

21  2016-01-25 by Jackthejew



it's a more personal touch than her usual hand jobs.


He'll probably get to play her next quirky hipster faggoty boyfriend.

Jeez you respond with one tweet that says Oink and you immediately get a bunch of fat girls tweeting you telling you you're mean. Gold mine.

Just like that sappy 6 line text Jim sent Amy and all he got back was a "thanks".

That's exactly the response such shameless brown-nosing deserves

Think it was an aggressively platonic "I love youuu"


He's such a prissy princess.

That was a very entertaining exchange


2016-01-25 06:03 UTC

@JaybSamples nope. and you can fuck off now. Stupid.

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That's nice, one over appreciated coddled comedian coddling another.

"i don't know how to thank you" = "I know what you would like as a thank you in return and no you're not getting it."

good always prevails

literally never

What about when we beat the Indians in a game of land grab

We beat the Nazis.

That's what I mean.

And look where the Jews are now. Stealing jokes and being rich

google image search denice riddles photo. A deep undercover troll or one of those clever bots

Peckasucka is fighting back

maron stinks.

The best way to thank him would be a shotgun in your mouth Amy. Not that she could write an original suicide note, she'd probably just copy and paste Cobaine's

Don't you mean Courtney's suicide note maahhn.

heeheehee. Someone responded with "oink".

That's exactly the response such shameless brown-nosing deserves

Think it was an aggressively platonic "I love youuu"