Rick Delgado: "Everyone hates Opie but won't say it because he's in a power position" timestamp 31:55

4  2016-01-25 by RedCellOperative


Ant must have been trying to hold back a smile so hard during this. Love Opie saying how he doesn't despise the listeners, that sure changed.

Not gonna listen to the clip but I assume while Opie is loudly denying it even he sounds like he knows it's true.

Reaaaally, Rick? Reeeeally? That's noooot even foooockin' true, not even ffffffffockin' true in the least. And you know that. We did right by you, in the end. Period.

This is a freak show!

It's a wacky show.

He does always pull the Really? Line.

(reading from the article how Rick says Anthony is a comedic genius)

AC: Ah, now this is the part of the article I believe Rick hit the nail on the head...

TT: You wanna fight?

Right, Opie. Your coworkers gets compliments, so you want to attempt to beat them up. What was the whole point of bringing attention to disgruntled former producers if you're just going to come off like a petulant toddler?

Blah Blah Blah Philly Crew

He's such an incsecure bully

Is there anyway we can Track this guy down and get him to do an ama and get some good Opie stories?