Marc is right. We do have a leader in this army of hate. His name is Louis. He is the greatest of us all

3  2016-01-25 by Ant_Sucks



wow Louis making fun of Sarah Palin, and says he likes jews

he couldn't be more pandering to SJWs unless he said he hates white people

Seriously why haven't we fucking destroyed his career yet?

He is like the proto-Amy Schumer.

Seriously why haven't we fucking destroyed his career yet?

I like your ambition. Soon we'll have our man in the White House.

i mean seriously people, its so goddamn easy, he talked about jerking off in front of women on O&A multiple times. one quick link to gawker and boom, career over.

I remember one where he told a retard to go "work in a box factory". I still kind of like CK though. I wish he was still bitter and divorced. His new TV show with Galifnikianakis is OK.

The guys still funny. He's also a pandering sellout, but that doesn't change the fact that he's funny.

the biggest crime is direct linking to that fucking SJW website without using