We are clearly all unfuckable women-hating misogynists who do nothing but viciously attack females online.

0  2016-01-25 by brianpeckahs

I mean: Opie, Sherrod, Anthony, Jim, the countless radio hacks over the years, Howard, MoJoJoeBro, the Skankles, almost every living comic - what do these people have in common? They're all women. Every single one of those people listed (which is just some of many) just so happens to have a vagina living between their strong, unshaved proud legs. What a bunch of sick fucks we are after all. Exclusively going after women like this. Just to change things up a bit, I say we go after a man. Just one time, guys. I'm thinking Michelle Obama.


Marc even called us "violent".

I hate these effeminate beta orbiters who call criticism "violence". He's not even a funny comic. "Thinky pain", sounds like something a betamax cuck would say. Just let women think for you, Maron, you moron. Whinging little sissy.

Making fun of a nationally loved "Feminist Symbol" is violent.

Making fun of Opie and Anthony, James Norton, Whale Kelly, Anthony's Pathetic Brother, Luis the Mexican, Faggy Dave Smith, and 99% of comics in general is all good though.

You can't judge female comics otherwise you are automatically a woman hater.

Dee... shhhhit-heads over at the Dopie and Agony subreddit breed nothing but voyalent dangerous extremism.


Yes, a lot of you are total unfunny losers.

Well... I...

I don't like that he left out the unfuckable women hating women of this sub.


Michelle Obama is a Transgender Illuminati Puppet meant to appease Obama's gay tendencies. Observe her man-shoulders: http://imgur.com/DfZVuW0

You heard it here first.

First of all, major studies show that women dish out criticism or abuse or whatever you want to call it more or less in equal measure to men. That makes sense if you believe that men and women are more or less equal. Does Marc think men have the shittalking gene, and women somehow don't have that?

It's guys like Marc that do female comics a disservice. Most of them, at least the good ones would have too much self respect to ever blame sexism if they were caught with similar jokes to another comic. They'd do what good comics do - they'd joke themselves out of it. But when a bad egg comes along like Amy all that does is make people think that any criticism of a female comic will then get them labelled a sexist.

We just had a thread were we all expressed a great desire to have the lovely Maria Menounos fart in our faces.

Iliza Shlesinger?

Well, yeah, it's on my linkedin page.

Micheal Obama is a fucking tranny with a cock that would make Putin blush.

I would rather fuck Venus from Sons of Anarchy than that she-gorrilla.