Josh Smith (the magician guy) is all-in with the Schumes hate...

31  2016-01-25 by ChippinKenny


Which one of you fucking savages is Josh Smith?

The Miss Piggy reference was first seen here.

It's obviously parallel thinking dude...


That ol' gag...

It was on the front page of funny the next day

Fuckin joke lifting faggots.

Little gook don't fuck around. Probably pimp slaps his bitch when she cooks his rice wrong.

It's actually true. You don't mess with the Vietnamese and other smaller stature Asians. They will knife you.

Though Koreans are the most dangerous. They appear very civilized, but once they get angry, they lose their shit.

The Japanese are the most dangerous. We never had to nuke the Koreans.

Not yet.

My husband worked at Salinas Valley prison and he said out of all the races the Vietnamese were by far the most ruthless. There's not a lot of them, but they don't fuck around. They NEVER make idle threats or talk shit, they'll just slit someone's throat and carry on.

I believe you. They like to skip steps 1 through 15 on the escalation ladder and go straight to the stabbing.


2016-01-25 04:39 UTC

Hi @amyschumer and @JimNorton,

Please explain this:

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I smell another "advice show" where I can't get any advice.

That's not the magician, just the guy who made the video

Yeah, just looking at the timeline makes that clear. OP is an idiot.

Havent seen this one yet, that is the same fucking bit exactly.

Shes a black hole of comedy.

Thats a horrible bit that she somehow made worse.

Her witty little barbs did make me HOWL though.

would be kinda nice to get past the "ha ha she fat" thing.

It's hard to get past her at all; she takes up too much space.



keep it going dude you're on fire!




Where you at with the African Americans?


Lovely bunch of people.