Amy Shumer "parallel" thinking again?

24  2016-01-25 by mattrick88


She definitely stole that. If she wanted to use a fat comedian as an example, why would she pick the irrelevant Ralphie May & not the super relevant Amy Schumer? Shenanigans.

I think people just really want to call Ralphie a fat fuck. "Because Amy Schumer is hot! sniff" Is she Opie? Is she really? What a fucking kiss ass little faggot.

Ugh and they all say it. Opie, Jimmy, Ant. Even Patrice when he was alive and in the room with all of them called her hot but he was at least honest enough to qualify it that her hotness was more about her being funny and successful than actually being physically hot. You could hear in his voice that he just didn't want to start shit over it.

I howled!

Put her in context! Standings up there with her thoughts and her feelings.

Holy shit. Exactly the same. Does she have an original thought?

but why would I do that? like right now, why would I do that? that makes no sense, why would I do that? give me a polygraph test

I don't know about you but when I was about 10 I would always say that when I was accused of lying, mainly because i knew it was too ridiculous that some one would actually go through with giving me one.

Because she has figured out that she can get away with it.

she's a hole

Her and her sister probably came up with that example then told all her inner circle to use it. I'll bet there's a clip of Norton doing radio in Ohio saying the same thing.

Normand opens for schumer, i believe. Most likely her team of PR consultants concocted these talking points and gave them both their marching orders. Parallel spin.



This would imply that Amy Schumer listens to the show. Why would anyone do that?

fuck Amy Schumer

Jimmy insisting novocaine is spelled with a y.....what a fuckin tool

In the 2nd one: WTF is she talking about "I put a period in front of it...I only meant it to go to him...I didn't mean for anyone else to see it.".

On twitter, if you start your tweet with an @ mention, it doesn't show up on your main timeline. But if you put a period or anything else before the @, then everyone can see it. So she's saying that tweet was really only meant for him, not for everyone who follows her to see.

I hate myself for knowing this.

So all those brilliant @OpieRadio tweets I crafted were never seen by the masses?!?

She stole that from an O&A bit. Remember when Ant had lady di "dm" him her phone number on air by putting a period in front of the tweet?

You're dumb.

She could've DM'd him