Here's a video clip showing the newest allegation of joke theft against Amy Schumer

83  2016-01-25 by cbanks420lol


Here is exactly what will be going on in the next week. Shoomer blames and fires her writing staff for stealing jokes.

Well that's what Kurt gets for talkin shit about the sub.

If he got fired from her show for things that were posted here, his social media rants will be at an all time high.

Poor Kurt Metzger. A slot on Opie radio isn't going to pay for his coke habit.

ME: the opester has been known to dabble. A lil' bit. sniff

He's annoying as fuck tho, he's already preaching shit when he's still a nobody

This is the most egregious one yet. The original is up on youtube (, somebody should make backups before Mr.Tran gets compromised.

I thought Jimmy was already compromised?


This is clear theft. You can tell the attempt to hide it by making it Criss Angel. The best part of this is that it isn't even funny.

its a double edged sword isn't it? Either miss piggy admits to stealing jokes or she admits to being a hack comedian who can't come up with anything original.

Hmmm the plot thickens. That wasn't parallel thinking, that was outright theft. Wonder how Norton will spin this one? He'll probably say..."Well it was similar of course but the dialogue was totally different and the context in which it was used on Amy's show was much more thoughtfully laid out and I just feel like it isn't theft because Amy's show used it in a more appealing and funny way. Now excuse me I have to call my fat pig benefactress and tell her I have defended her yet again."

hard to deny this one. it's starting to seem like her act isn't peppered with stolen or remixed material. it's just all stolen. you think you can get anyone outside of this sub to care about this thing? maybe we need to support this asian fella.

This is perpendicular thinking

Wassa--oh...never mind carry on.

I'm starting to think that this fat cunt steals jokes...

why I ought-ta...

Amy ripped off the ideas and all she added was vague, shitty sarcasm: "That's -- that's --- oh, geeze. Oh boy."

She fucking stinks.

It's so fucking obvious, but no one is calling her out on it. It's like they're walking on greggshells.

Trying to walk around mushooms.

Squidbillies is a really good show.

This is going to be good.

ME: Clearly this is Parallel thinking. #Haters

Oof, how can she deny this one.

there needs to be an updated Amy theft video with this magician video and the Marc Maron clips added. (U can get a short segment where Maron accuses Amy of theft.)

the maron thing almost hurts it because maron's thing was filmed at the same time. he already came out, and said he didn't accuse her, and she didn't steal from him. what i mean is pairing this legit thing with something weaker weakens it as a whole.

Im all in with the magician humor.

If youre going to steal jokes why not steal funny ones?

Her show makes me miss Chapelle Show even more.

who gives a shit about this frumpy broad?


This is on the front page now :|

I was browsing /R/videos and saw your nick, made me lol

The chink on twitter must be tickled pink.

Meh, no fan of Amy but the joke had been done already before Tran


Well a magician having sex gag is hardly something someone can claim ownership of. And that's 2 of the most obvious ways to go with it. The premise is pretty hacky but her sketch did a much better job of being funny. The original was only the hackish premise.


I love this, rather common, defense of Amy now. "She's a hack, not a thief". Holy shit. There's no difference.

The magician joke is a street joke mate, can be find on urban dictionary back in 2002

There is a difference. It just doesn't matter.

exactly this
