Haven't thought about Amy in almost 3 days

5  2016-01-25 by JoeCumiaSr


"Haven't thought about Amy in almost 3 days."


I hate how he ends in it with "Have a good one". Like, "Hey listen fella, I'm above all the hate". Douche.

Do you think he's being passive aggressive?

Nah he just removed all the negative stuff in his life like a scorned bitch.

See the first Jimmy vs Opie fight. His estrogen has really skyrocketed since then.

"I'm too busy lovin' life to get down into the gutter with you, sir." Yecch.

Life is Happy

Opie The Positive Radio Host

I'm crafting a tweet right now

For the last time there is no sextape!

Have a good one


I hate Opie so much. Talking like a 17 year old gay kid bitching about a character on Glee that he just HATES like OMG you guys!

Ummm??? maybe ditch the fucking Flintstone Kids exclamations when you start buying Centrum Silver you fucking wispy haired non-entertaner. This piece of shit can't open his mouth without reaffirming everything that is shitty about him.

And all that autistic shit I just typed out was just about the goofy gay shit he gobbled out BEFORE he started lying out his ass.

There's gotta be a mathematical formula for how many bony sluts Ant can lay his old ass hands on before he's worse than this faggot.

You just wrote the perfect comment.

"Been out in the snow all day". Because snow requires our full attention?

He also Periscoped for like 10 minutes earlier while walking around in the snow. And he's been Twittering (obviously). So, he's been pretty connected.

Been roller skiing brotherman!

He still doesn't realize that by answering this random person's tweet he's validating what they're saying. If he didn't say anything at all nobody would have a fucking clue.

here's hoping his getty images modeling as man with terminal breast cancer gig comes to fruition!

Opie is as obvious as a thermonuclear weapon.

I thought of her while taking a shit

Opester was busy thinking about water.


Not hanging with the kids or family like a normal human being... out in the snow making periscope videos. This is a 55 year old man.

Almost 3 days = 2 days. Last time on the radio = 2 days ago.