Does anyone else think niggers smell like burnt popcorn?

0  2016-01-25 by TheCompleteToolMan




What was that? You're phone crapped out.


"Baby boy"

These posts are awkwardly unfunny, even in an ironic or trolling type way.

None of your 600 accounts are funny dude, kill yourself.


Kill yourself

Aww look....another baby boy....have your balls dropped yet, baby boy?

Always baby powdery. I used to have this door guy that would douche his hands In lotion or Cologne and if you shook his hand you'd smell like him for hours, fucking gross

I had a black friend (shocking, I know) and women always said he smelled like a french whore when he walked in.

I think they try to cover up the natural stench.

They say white people smell like wet dogs so it's cool, cuck faggots. LOL!

I think it has to do with the amount of lotion they have to use to not be ashy

Have you ever fucked a black chick? The pussy has a very distinct "black" smell.

Even mixed black/white women have it.


Dude, as soon as the panties came off I was overwhelmed. It was difficult to stay hard, she was couch surfing at the time so made it even worse. She's was the girlfriend of the singer from this punk band Regan youth if that can help give you an idea. Never again.

I'm not as racist as I portray myself here, pussy stinks. LOL

Haha...that is very liberal of you to include the couch surfing. popcorn. Lolz

They can't read the instructions on the bag.

That made me laugh for some reason. I'm giving credit to the alcohol.

Credit where credit is due. That was fucking hilarious.

The silence is deafening....

Just as it's been your entire life whenever you attempt to make what you consider a joke.

I think it has to do with the amount of lotion they have to use to not be ashy