The cuck faggot mods deleted my post mentioning /u/libsarementallyill being banned? LOL

0  2016-01-24 by WayneRooneysButtPlug



So you're upset that one of your other racist,repetitive, and annoying aliases got banned?

It was another dissenting voice, and it wasn't me.

Why do you say cuck so much, it's become such a played out douche chilling word on here

I never used the word myself until I realized how accurate it is and how much these liberal faggots hate it.

Why is being a liberal faggy to you? I consider myself a liberal on basically all social issues and guarantee you are a socialist when it comes to roads, bridges, senior citizens, crack babies, parks and many other things. As much as I also hate 90% of the people who post here, the 1 thing they are not is PC, sjw pussies (well sometimes they are but its only when they wanna push an agenda against someone like ant, opie, schumer etc

Everyone's afraid of the unheard of truth about liberals and blacks right?

So you use sarcasm to refute truth? Nah, fuck it...just ban what we don't agree with.

Not refuting the truth, nobody wants to listen to the same point made over and over again with not original insight or else TACs would be the #1 podcast in the world.

This sub has become very political, maybe it's the elections. I'm sure it is actually.

These reddit fags love the subversive hunchbacked kike Bernie Sanders.

Oy Vey!

Now ban me again so I can come back in 2 minutes, faggots.

Now ban me again so I can come back in 2 minutes, faggots.

If I ever find myself typing something like that out and hitting enter, I want someone reading this to promise me that they will come to my house and fucking kill me for being such a waste of air and life. In fact, if I ever have a child I'm going to install key tracking apps on every device just to track their activity and to make sure they never type something like this out. If they did, I would retroactively abort them and stomp them out in a public setting.

I'm saying you or your parents should kill you, sir. I want you to die.

Or you could just say you're a lisping liberal faggot. No need for theatrics, queer.

Yeah, you're right. I must be a Liberal. You figured me out, man. You're really sniffing out this case with your sharp observational skills. Or maybe you're just a faggot who is so ineloquent you even make fellow (?) conservatives cringe?

You are mentally ill and you should end your fucking life or at least put it in the hands of someone who will rehabilitate your sick, sad fucking existence.

Oh yea, I'm sure everyone in this sub will be running to the voting booths to vote for Bernie.

I have been through a few post histories and you shouldn't be suprised at the ones that visit /r/sandersforpresident

Why do you keep acknowledging this guy? Is it because you have a minimum /r/opieandanthony comment quota you have to fill?

I find it pretty funny.

I give up when someone says the same thing more than 3 times in a row.

It's just a written history of embarrassing him so I stay entertained.

I can see why he gets wrapped up in it. It's actually annoying that this fucking mentally ill cocksucker is walking the earth and is no doubt an inconvenience to every person he runs into. I guess it's just misplaced anger for me anyway.

There is a reason these faggot cuck mods put that locked stickied post up. LOL and that was just me getting drunk and watching TV.

Sound's like a great thing to do in your free time.

Anyone else want to deny this is likely the Danny stalker?

If you really want to discuss the truth with the someone, message me about it. I'd love to hear about the amazing points you have to make that I've never heard before.

The truth is these faggot cuck mods ban people they disagree with.

No they ban people that are annoying fucks. Nobody gives a fuck about your political views, I hope you realize that if anything alls your doing is making people want to vote for Bernie Sanders in spite of you.

Those people obviously had no conviction in the first place.

I wasn't going to vote and hate the left but now just because of how annoying you are I'm voting for Bernie Sanders. I hope he wins by one vote and you have to live with the fact forever that it's your fault he's in office and you basically destroyed the country by being a trolling faggot.

We had the first black president, the possible first female...why isn't the first jewish president a big deal?

That reminds me of a Voltaire quote......anyone?

"OP is a faggot" - Voltaire

Of all places for the mods to be such liberal cuck isn't the O&A sub.

Not enough buzzwords.

Do you ever sleep; or do you stay awake for days on end, in a manic haze, obsessing over this sub and black people?

I am sitting here drinking a beer, and schooling you whispy queers. All from my phone. LOL 👍

So how did you get all that info on Danny?

I fucked his mom until she screamed it.

That was so funny that I'm shocked you have no friends to laugh at your jokes. I bet you've never been in a room full of people and had anyone laugh at anything you've said. You're just that mentally sick, quiet, sad little fuck who pents it all up and takes it out on their keyboard with mindless provocative exclamations. NIGGERS! RAPE! JEWS!!!

You gonna take my advice and end it all? Or are you just going to keep ignoring those posts and pretending suicide isn't viable for you? Are you gonna keep posting threads railing against a phantom authority figure and daring someone to take you on? Then when someone does, you'll skip over it and make another thread? Kill. Your. Self. Make. Yourself. Die.

That is what Jew psychiatrists call "projecting".

You ok, buddy? I mean....damn, that was quite the scenerio to just "dream" up.

You're right, there's no way my description of someone who spends every waking moment (and stays up a lot too) to post spam and evade bans on a board that doesn't even care enough about his creepy, stalker obsessions, could be accurate.

Nobody is trying to silence you, it's actually that we don't give a fuck what you have to say and it's getting in the way of the stuff we actually want to read. Go make another subreddit and post it there for no one to click on. Win/win.

If you haven't noticed...I am not the one with the creepy stalker obsession. I don't hate Opie, Anthony or Jimmy. I'm just here to regulate, sir. ;)

How am I supposed to notice anything with you flooding the fucking page with posts about nothing that you seem to be making only to spite 1 or 2 people on earth? How many hours have you spent doing things like this? There's no doubt you're the Danny stalker. You're protesting it exactly like a stalker would, and also trying to ignore the claim. If you're posting from a phone like you claimed you might not be on a proxy. The mods should get your IP and look into it, they might be able to save a couple people from annoying stalker message headaches.

I guess you don't like it when you get the same treatment and attention back to you, faggot?

I'm on a phone, yes. There is also no way the mods or even the fag admins could get my IP. ;)

And Danny is one ugly heeb. If I was going to be a stalker it would be a fuckable broad.

There is also no way the mods or even the fag admins could get my IP. ;)

What, VPN? Yeah, judging by how well thought out your posts are I'm sure your proxy settings are bulletproof. You'd be backtraced in literally minutes.

And Danny is one ugly heeb. If I was going to be a stalker it would be a fuckable broad.

That's such a half assed denial. You are so damn guilty.

"Backtrace" LOL...did this retard say that unironically? Oh no...consequences may never be the same

I can see your funnybone is about as subtle as your political views.

Nothing funny about hitting that bone am i right, gang?

Especially JEWS and NIGGERS, right? FUCK FAGGOTS and BLACKS.

Are these the posts you think the sub should be made up of? Is that the "end game" in this crusade you're making?

You know damn well half the shit Anthony gets on here is because of his politics.

And that pussy dares not name the jew.

Things like George Soros funding the Ferguson riots....

What the fuck are you blathering about, you utter bore? You care about the most annoying shit.

I'm glad you agree it's annoying. Now get educated on it.

Kill yourself.

The admins have banned plenty of IPs just like these faggot cuck mods have banned plenty of screen names. Sorry, you are stuck with me. ;)

Again, you actually find a way to impress me with a new pathetic low in every message. You seem like the softest, weakest, mental midget of all time who has just enough bi-polar or manic depression or whatever and just enough free time to dedicate their life to annoying people they don't like.

So you live primarily to annoy people? You're so unlikable you've now resorted to making the hatred you generate be on purpose? I guess if people are going to hate your guts, it must feel better to convince yourself you did it on purpose.

Did you just describe this subreddit? LOL

Look at it this way then, and I feel bad saying this....this sub is my Opie.

No, I'm not describing a large community made up of multiple people with various free times throughout the day. I'm talking about 1 man who seems to have a TON of free time that he chooses to use to do nothing but pester people to get some kind of social interaction or emotion in his life.

reddit vs /pol/: everyone wins



So think he fucked her? You just noticed your own post was removed? Probably because it has a young kid in it you fucking weirdo.


Are your parents sad you become one of the autists obsessed with reddit instead of being some type of savant?

No user by that name ever existed. 2+2=5.

As they should

keep trolling trolling trolling

op = libsarementallyill = possibly brother joe


How am I supposed to notice anything with you flooding the fucking page with posts about nothing that you seem to be making only to spite 1 or 2 people on earth? How many hours have you spent doing things like this? There's no doubt you're the Danny stalker. You're protesting it exactly like a stalker would, and also trying to ignore the claim. If you're posting from a phone like you claimed you might not be on a proxy. The mods should get your IP and look into it, they might be able to save a couple people from annoying stalker message headaches.

I guess you don't like it when you get the same treatment and attention back to you, faggot?

I'm on a phone, yes. There is also no way the mods or even the fag admins could get my IP. ;)

And Danny is one ugly heeb. If I was going to be a stalker it would be a fuckable broad.

The admins have banned plenty of IPs just like these faggot cuck mods have banned plenty of screen names. Sorry, you are stuck with me. ;)

I'm glad you agree it's annoying. Now get educated on it.