Ants fans are a strange off-shoot. They like everything he tells them to like..

0  2016-01-24 by Lilcumia

And get mad if you say anything honest or negative about him. When someone asked if Jimmy won't be back 12 points 15 hours ago He's fucking BUSY!! He's on the "Mouthful Of Shame" tour, but you'd know that if you listened to his radio show or even went to his website at Jesus FUCK, people.

They hate blacks and love weak comics. Also TACS gets about 50 comments on average per episode. It's on the net and relies solely on online subs. How is it still going?


Some of his fans do have a cult-like level of devotion. All that staring at the camera. Staring directly at them. Talking directly to them. Our leader.

One time, months ago, Ant tweeted out the link to the site LoS uses to live chat. His Twitter fans flooded the place. This sub is a shitty place, but his Twitter fans are the true human garbage.

No sir, it's Parallel Thinking®


Okay faggot, what's next?

nothing original apparently.

aw... Too real?

The only way I can see him keep going is to get past this shit goin on now and quit the constant whining and complaining about the situations he gets himself in.

You should go to Florida and hang out with slippy.