"I'll never be in 'da same room as 'dat ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuckin' guy…He's done some really shitty 'dings"… I'm leavin' ya out of it…"

23  2016-01-24 by JMueller2012


Did Brother Joe steal a chip at 2:20? What a fucking cunt.

(Somebody in the comments pointed it out)

He totally did. Of course some idiot splashed the pot but scumbag move by BroCum nonetheless.

The fucker lives on an allowance and still needs to steal chips. He truly has no sense of shame, the definition of white trash.

Periscope, the best thing that happened to the show since Patrice


A year ago this video would be top of the sub in an hour.

It's old news. I think it was right after the O&J fight.

"Coming next October..."

I don't think that's very likely given Jimmy's MO.

The worst part is how he puts the chip with him and jimmy together. Still teasing the nonsense that they could get together.

This is from before he was arrested and shortly after the O&J fight.

Yo nigga ya bess stop parallellin mah thinkin up in dis bitch.

In fairness this was right after the "In October I'm done" Jim/Opie fight and right before the failed father of a probable schizophrenic junkie lied to the cops about his mistake getting beaten.

yet the "smart guy" still picked her. Doesn't believe in love, knows the father very well yet still picks that girl.

A stiff dick has no conscience and even less intelligence.

He kept her around for a year. Flew her across the country. It was more than just a stiff dick you delusional nut-hugger.

It takes some time to groom a girl and you want to enjoy your investment. And dani did play in to the young girl thing that ant likes so yeah, stiff dick, you fag cuck something, something.

You're delusional.

Not as delusional as Ant.

ant looks short stacked in this vid, maybe that was the trigger to start bashing some faggot who's not even in the room.

What a collection of desperate, delusional losers.