Patrice torches some hack radio staff

29  2016-01-24 by RTJ120


This is one of my favourite Patrice clips I wish he was still around so he could put more of these hipster in their place

"I'm not gonna get charmed by an African. Ain't gonna happen."

I like how he decides to play along at first with the "scale of 11" joke and then just shakes his fucking head.

oh shit patrice ripped this guy's balls off before he could even process what was going on

"When is that gonna stop.... Not you, but just in general"

He felt bad for a second.... Then just continued.

he knew ppl couldn't take the honesty directly so he'll say that to soften it a little bit

What is this thing where white guys feel like being this 'grungey filth' is the shit? Like it's the thing you do?


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For a big Burly African American Gentleman he really does sport some Joe De Rosa shoulders. Miss that guy tho!

I wish I knew exactly what he meant by the flight of the Concords reference. I think I know where he was headed and if I'm right it would've been cool to hear him riff on that type of humor for a bit..

The radio host had that same monotone sort of voice the main characters used in Flight of the Conchords. It makes all the interactions seem aloof and awkward.

He doesn't speak in complete thoughts, a lot of this is just mean nonsense. If you really listen to the words he's saying instead of just hearing the negativity and thinking "fuck yeah", it almost sounds like he's having the stroke on camera


I think his observation about harsh outward rejection of a womans attempt at charm was brilliant. Men let women always get away with it, yet men are immediately rejected when putting on an air of orchestrated likability.

Also the interviewer is the one not speaking in complete thoughts. Patrice is irritated that he has to piece shit together to work with this guys nonsense.