How would it feel if Jim came out and did a 180°?

3  2016-01-24 by JohnBageldy

and said he knew he was wrong about Amy the whole time, while defending her, and he is disgusted at himself for it and for letting his real fans down, and wants to make amends?


I think there's a better chance of Jim coming out as a heterosexual.

For someone that claims to champion honesty he sure is a liar when it comes to being a pillow biter.

They dont give a fuck about their fans, if they did their shows wouldnt be absolute shit. Face it, they are fucking done and we are left to entertain ourselves by destroying them

Hahaha, yeah, yeah, haha!

-please give me back my job -

I would of been fine with a " hey I don't know and I don't care, she's my friend and I won't bad mouth her but if it's true then she will deal with it her way and I will continue to support my friend" or some faggy shit like that.

Friends defend each other right or wrong I understand that so just be honest about it or exclude yourself entirely. But don't do the " well I had her on you coulda asked" routine

Making amends doesn't get him another role that gets cut in Trainwreck 2.

Let me tell you the story of a man named Bubba. Bubba was a love sponge, which means he liked to sop up jizz off his wife when other men fuck her. Bubba loved Hulk. He wanted to show the world that the Hulk loved his wife. When the Hulk sued him for showing the world Hulk loving his wife, Bubba said he hated Hulk Hogan and that he thought he was awful all along. Bubbas wife left. The Hulk doesn't like him now. He has no one to soak in jizz off of. Bubba is just a sponge now. Point is, Jim would be a sponge. Spineless sea creature unworthy of jizz.



Waz dat? Yimmy gay?

Hahaha, yeah, yeah, haha!

-please give me back my job -