
0  2016-01-23 by [deleted]

don't have an irc client? get one.

according to the new rule against "witch hunts", we're liable to get banned for going after schumer. so it would do us well to maintain a secondary means of communication, in the event that the mods or admins get cunty.

i'd like to hear other suggestions if the consensus is that irc isn't doable.


Stop. We get it. You're trying to get your IRC shit to catch on because you want to be a mod. None of us want to chat with you.

NONE of us


Your account is days old and your only two posts are pushing your 30 year old IRC bullshit. Hang yourself.

lmao what

IRC remains a popular method of communication despite its age. I stand with Mr. Zits n tits.


Well with honeyed words like that we're bound to come around eventually.


fuck you and everything you stand for

Actually I'm sitting down.


Let's all just exchange cell phone numbers and we can FaceTime.

okay post your number



No I don't think I'd like that at all tbh.

Carrier pigeons. Who's with me?

Fuck her, she can carryHER own pigeons.

Fawk yeah


Cool idea bro, does that work on my Web tv?

will there be dog porn

suuuuure, see you there soon. I got some files to trade

Ohhhh no.

[ said in the style of a sceptical Intern David ]

I don't like where this is going.

I dont understand. the whole reason this sub exists is to destroy opie ant and jimmy for our amusement, and it's now even branching out a bit to destroy other unfunny celebs, why is this a problem? there are dedicated hate or "anti" subs on reddit for many celebrities. this new rule sounds like bitch shit

p.s. you should make a discord server instead way better and i can use it on my phone

Fuck this guy. I stepped it up a notch and created an AOL chat room - M4MOpieAnthony

Meet you faggots there.

Forgive me but why go there when we are already here?

Don't blame the mods

some active users also communicate over at when we need to.

And when, prey tell, does one need to?

[ I said this in the style of John Hurt's character in Rob Roy ]