Will this sub turn on Joe Rogan?

0  2016-01-23 by [deleted]



I think this sub hasn't been crazy about Joe for a long time.

I think they have but Joe has a large online following of his own so it won't effect much. There's some youtube channel called RoganWatch that has random and sometimes out of context clips of Rogan being a tool which is a nice thing for the people to look at if they see fit.


Rogan watch is hilarious

Tss whassit got micky mouse hands'r sumpthin?

You talk about the people as though you owned them, as though they belong to you. Goodness. As long as I can remember, you've talked about giving the people their rights, as if you can make them a present of Liberty, as a reward for services rendered...Remember the working man?

I love Joe. Now true, I used to think he was a retarded stoner who was turning himself into Michael Chiklis' version of The Thing through his ridiculous abuse of HGH & every one of his podcasts were a 20 second countdown until it turned into the SAME EXACT stoner talk it always becomes. But since I started taking the miracle drug Alpha Brain, I now see his podcast as a kaleidoscope of transcendental synergy between the cosmos' very relativity of interdemensional hyperspace, and the beautiful loving of one's health, spirit, mind & ethos by which we as mere mortals come to understand this great trip that Terence McKenna called "Life"......Fuck Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan sucks.

Stoner talk was great when I was 15-25, but it sounds so fake and gay now. The problem is the fact that rogan and people like benson started smoking weed when they were 30+ so they are still in the infant stages of weed talk. It gets so fucking old hearing rogan pontificate about regurgitated facts that's he's heard in that stereotypical stoner voice.

I still smoke every day, it's iust lame when you are an old man.

I might be able to deal with his occasional childish stoner talk but the worst is when he has a guest on thats like a comic or somebody just trying to be funny or talk about whatever subject theyre an expert at and Joe has to stampede over whatever theyre saying to be like "You know some people are saying now that Moses was smoking DMT? Isn't that crazy?"

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Bro, you're not down with alpha brain?

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bro, the side effects ain't that bad. jacked heart rate, hair loss, constant sweat which leads to an all around greasy appearance, my dome is swollen, but i'm RIPPED, BRO!

Joe Rogan is a cunt

Whenever he's brought up in other message boards all I see are people shitting on him. I like him but then again I smoke a lot of weed.

I smoke a lot of weed too, but I tend to skip the stoney philosophy episodes.

I won't. I'm a pothead so, ya know. Talk all the shit ya want. I'm onnit

I can tolerate him to an extent, and his podcast is really love-hate for me depending on the guest.

The Buck Angel one was really good for example, but Duncan Trussell is an auto-skip as soon as I see the first syllable of his name in the iTunes description.

i hope so. i hate his "enlightened" pot talk crap, his self righteousness, obvious snake oil shilling and his retarded fans.

I'll never hate Joe like I do Derosa or Schumer because as corny as it sounds he's true to himself. He says it as he sees it. The only problem is he often sees it wrong. Alpha brain is dumb but I think he believes it works. I like him but he can make me cringe.

I like Joe, his podcast is good. What the hell. Good podcasts are so few and far between I'm not going to shit on one of the few guys that has one I can actually listen to.