Do Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy realize this sub isn't even about them or their shows anymore?

20  2016-01-23 by lostsludge

It's just about fucking with them and the people related to their shows or gossiping about their lives. They have no real power or influence here.

I'm sure a lot of people here don't even listen to recent shows anymore.


I proudly listen to neither show, it helps me to be objective when forming opinions about their content.

So you don't subconsciously have parallel thoughts?

lol why would they care?

They don't have a reason to, but they clearly do. Jimmy specially and Ant before him.

they might care what people say about them here and on twitter, but I doubt they care "what this sub is about"

Gossiping... We really are a bunch of queebs.

Speak for yourself, I'm a proud quay!

None of those idiots are smart enough to get it. Every single time I have heard one of them mention us, it has been with a completely wrong context and without any shred of understanding. It seems that they are just too stupid to realize the concept this sub.

Opie for sure knows about it. Every campaign against him and every piece of viral content designed to ruin him traces back to this place in one form or another. He's trying to be an Internet sensation and I bet anything he's trying to come up with a plan to fuck this place over. He doesn't need to fully get it, all he knows is his ego won't tolerate this many people being better at what he wants to do and using it solely to ruin every day of his life.

Im sure there are a few holdouts on here that still listen bit ive given up on all of them. I cant even listen to old shows without biting my teeth listening to opie. Now i just want to see them ruined

Omg he's awful in the Patrice clips. But Patrice and ant are so funny that it's not hard to plow through.

its the most pathetic collection of fat losers on earth

half of you will be dead from heart attacks in a few years

Im pretty sure Jimmy knows this. He is just trying to stay relevant so we will give to his kickstarter

All we need now is opie and ant to do some cheesy 2 hour reunion show and this sub can finally die in peace after we rip them to shreds for that as well

Its because the new show sucks so everyone is troubleshooting the shit smell.

They know most don't listen. They just lie to the xm execs and say they have a very active forum of listeners when in reality, we want them all to fail miserably to the point of self harm. That way they can counter claims of low ratings with high online presence.

Gossiping... We really are a bunch of queeds.

I still listen to both shows and I dont respect any faggot here that doesn't.