I have never laughed once during a Judd Apatow movie. Now I know why.

2  2016-01-22 by Ant_Sucks


Its just so insulting the amount of people who are just lying. Greatest joke writers of our time?!!!!! I feel bad for female comedians. This must be infuriating. There are so many unique, and interesting female comedians out there. Can you imagine if the measure of a great joke writer was telling a bunch of generic "parallel thinking" jokes?

The Prophet Joe Rogan predicted exactly the reaction that's happening now and exactly the feelings you're feeling.


"Theres never one person I've heard called a thief that wasn't a thief"


What kind of name is Judd anyway?

Judd the Dud I say. Right gang?


I hope he puts his wife and kids in more of his movies

-No one ever

I'm all in on the Amy backlash, but I think his wife (and kids) are pretty good in those movies.

"One of the great joke writers of our time"? That statement is ridiculous even if she actually wrote her own material. She must be saving her gems for the writers room

this is the same guy that helped give lena dunham celebrity status, fuck him

If these two talentless kikes don't prove that jews run hollywood then nothing does.

Trainwreck was pretty much 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" with the genders flipped. Genius writing there.


I would putt Atell ahead of Schumer even if I wasn't licking her disgusting taint like Judd.

One special and one movie and you become one the greats, it's that easy

It's just something that dolts in the entertainment industry say to jerk each other off.

Nobody ever says "Bob from accounting truly is one of the great accountants of our time. Our 2 weeks working together while we calculated the receipts and total domestic and international box office for Trainwreck was an inspiration"

circle those wagons fellas.