Hey Norton! You say you're a comedian!?

128  2016-01-22 by CuckECheese

I say you're the joke!


Home run.


Oh ya well the jerk store called and their runnin outta you

Don't you ever fucking say that shit to me again.

I had sex with your wife!

His wife is in a coma

She's in Acoma? That's in Ashington or sumthin'. tss tss

Double St Helens cawksuckah


Guess that's why she just laid there.

Don't you ever fucking say that shit to me again.


I thought he was going for the whole "don't you dare do Chippah anymore fuck that shit" due to recent events, could be wrong though


only in this shit subred would I get so many downvotes for such an inconsequential comment, you cunts.

This is the most absurd comment I've ever heard

Who would invest in a store that sold jerks...

I mean cmon gang were practically tripping over them

he's the jerk of all jerks

Best come back I have ever heard. I gotta remember that one for the people in the office. Who am I kidding I'm unemployed.

You buried this cocksucka!

Take us out, fat man.

Fucking good one

I like how this sub has turned into non-stop pro wrestling promos on Jimmy.

20 minutes brother? You think all you have to wait is 20 minutes?

At Wrestlmania next weekend, I will fuck your ass and make you humble! Ten inch my cock, Greco-Roman gold medalist, Tehran Iran, A salaam a lakum, jihad, allah ahkbar, and that's the bottom line because peckah.

Table turner!

The JERK store called


they said sup


DOUBLE GUNS!!!!!!!!!!

Sock cuckah!

Tss. Fawk.

He thinks SNL stole his shit and he didnt like that too much but ta hell with all the people Schumer stole from, who cares how they feel about it. I use to think he was going to be a legend... he sold out before he got there though.

There was a guy who said "That doesn't make any sense"

Case closed.

Two jews walk into a bar, It's Amy and her uncle Chuck.

They own the state.

jimmys stand up sucks. he's a novelty act for straight dudes.

Right, team?

Jim, comment?

Haha, the jokes on you Jim!


I believe everything that needed to be said has now been said. Pack er up.



You fucked him up. Won't see him no more.



You say your name is Norton and you love to joke? I say your name is Norton and you're a BASTARD!


I have been out of the loop can someone please explain?

Norton defended Amy Jewmer stealing other comic's jokes. Basically being a worm and a hypocrite.

I gotcha. Thanks.

At least you spelled "you're" right, so it's not a total loss.


Some of them want to throw you down one!

A well.


That's gotta burn.

I'm going to get norton to take a picture in a torpid sloth t shirt at the chicago show

But we'll have the last laff! Right fellas?Right?

Dude... too far.

Seeing Jimmy in Scottsdale tomorrow night. He is a good comic and a lot of us take him for granted. Plus you got tha Chippa..FAWK yeah


Fucking got him. Well done, OP. This moment will live on in history.


Jimmy is a great comedian. He just doesn't realize that we find his 'alcoholism' a sad attempt to gain some kind of bizarre cred.

whoa! language, sir!

Yet you guys just use Nortonisms all the time. Faggots.

There's a doesn't get the joke guy in every thread.

OH I get it faggot strangler, it's just lame.

Those aren't "Nortonisms", it's parallel thinking