The show has turned into the "defend Amy at all cost" show

27  2016-01-22 by Jackthejew


I will give Amy credit for one thing, even though they're licking her ass and willing to let her say whatever she wants to defend herself on air, she still won't go on that sloppy titted hack's show.

Yeah they're fighting to the death for her and all the fans they have left are turning on them and she's like "thanks"

I would just love for Opie to go down in flames with miss piggy somehow

Howard Stern launched her career! Even though she was on O&A 50 times before Stern had her on.


Well Opie knows comedy so I trust his opinion.

I was running cable on Saturday, time and a half. Wife needed hip surgery, so I said yes to the OT. She hurt the hip cleaning out the gutters when I was laid up on workman's comp, so I figured I owed the old girl that much. Only problem is, the lunch truck doesn't swing by on Saturdays.

Only in this business (shakes head).

hahaha, im seriously sitting here loling at that, I dont even know why you said it

This makes me sick.


They need to show the Hollywood Jews they will play ball. Now watch the head Jews running the industry will allow a few A list celebs a few moments on their show on their way to Howard's studio. The stangles will give them the secret Jew shake and before you know it boom J Law is sitting in there wondering what Jew she pissed off.

"Fuckin jews stick togedder, don't they?"

Now, on top of everything else, I gotta make sure no one fucks around with the Golden Jew.

Fuckin bowsses. They think it's a fuckin free lunch out here.

The facebook post is equally embarasing

A correction? Yuck.

This whole situation is so frustrating and infuriating that it seriously makes me just want to scream.

It's actually neither frustrating nor infuriating. Just a lot of phoney outrage.

Hence the frustration and infuriation.

So they went over the Maron clip on their show?

Holy shit, they cant help but come here even though they talk so much shit about it. Its their show prep.

I was the one who posted the full (unedited) WTF ep with the timestamp. These assholes clicked on some random edited video from here, played it on the air and had to issue a correction?

Hahaha, lets reset the apology clock, you buncha faggots.

When did they stop broadcasting from Sirius & move to up Amy Schumer's ass?

Opies not gonna trash her. She may be able to help him go viral someday.

I can't believe they fell for the edit. They really are just dumb people.

It's odd that they're the front line of defense while ignoring the fact their fanbase is behind the attack

That's probably why they are. Schumer could have went anywhere to defend herself. She could have stood out in the street and yelled it and it would be everywhere. Why did she choose Jim's shitty advice show and go to his apartment on a Wednesday afternoon? Probably because she knew it was a "safe space" and Jim would just roll over like a submissive puppy