You guys are a loud minority

0  2016-01-22 by dflorio

None of what you do matters or has any effect on Opie, Jimmy or Anthony. You might irritate them but that's it. Give up.


I hope you get a parking ticket you heathen.

Too far.

I'm white sir

Hey Jimmy!

You are posting this addressed to us because we mean nothing.

that is likely true...

Yeah...stay out of my movie theater!

God dammit! I was scanning this to make sure nobody already used it.

Too bad, wetback. Don't you know I am everyone?

I dunno man, loud minorities drive Ant into a psychotic rage.

And make Opie cry, Joe write manifestos about us. I don't know I think we are doing pretty good. Oh and fat Stangle flipping out.

I pray you lose power in this blizzard sir

...and yet the last 2 days they've started the show talking about shit that came directly from here? Eh, I dunno. You say loud minority, I say the only community on the internet actually talking about this garbage.

I like how these posts always come out right after an instance where this sub's influence is undeniable. We made an A list star go to a zilch's (his word not mine) apartment to plead for mercy.

I hope this guy forgets to buy enough salt rock in time for the big storm! I'm pissed.

We slowly chip away (whats dat?) At their psyches thats all that matters

This guy forgot to mention that we all live in our parents basement.

It is fun to irritate them because they all turned into positive, happy go lucky, pussies.