Prediction: Indians (dots) will become the new white knights of the internet. Amy's publicist told me so.

1  2016-01-22 by MushtashWax

Have you noticed that a lot of Amy's supporters sputter out a supportive compliment in basic English without ever employing English idioms? I think it's because publicity consultants have started using cheap Indian labor to spark internet campaigns. Do you ever get so disgusted with your Indian customer service rep that you just give up and take the ass-fucking rather than continue the conversation with that corporate-robot fuck? Maybe we'll give up on the internet hate as well if we have to read their robotic replies. Interesting strategy and it makes me quite angry. India needs an anti-western slave rebellion. They really are corporate Americas slaves.


It's not even that far fetched. There are several centers built to upvote apps or subscribe to channels for money

It's like any website that becomes the new pace to get honest reviews of shit is on a timer till they get bought out and then you'll have to search for the next place that's honest. Eventually they'll have to shut down peoples ability to have an honest site altogether. Wont they? Isn't that the cost effective thing to do?