Stanhope fucks 23 year old stripper in same room as Bingo on cruise shit. Bingo dumps Stanhope for hippy with 3 kids, announces that nothing is real and she's going to kill herself.

18  2016-01-22 by brianpeckahs


Doug is one of the most fascinating people on the planet. Just hearing how he can sit and joke about it all and the lifestyle he lives amazes me.

He always says he has no sex drive. 23 year old pussy must be the cure.


holy shit, i got to catch up, i sort of quit listening once he took most of a year off of doing comedy, and just sat on his ass talking about netflix and being sober.

but this is fucking nuts, also what sort of 23 year old stripper would fuck stanhope, and i honestly thought he stopped having sex awhile ago.

Do 23 year old strippers have high standards?

Being sober? He did the tin can rehab for 30 days about a year ago where he quit smoking cigarettes and limited his drinking so he wouldn't smoke, but apart from those 30 days, I'd say he's been on about 15 drinks or so a night.

That 30 days series was so great. Doug is a 1 of a kind.

really? i thought he quit after that, huh

No, during the 30 days he would limit himself to about 2-4 drinks per night so he wouldn't get shitfaced and smoke. The rehab was never about drinking. After the 30 days, he went directly back to drinking excessively and chain smoking cigarettes.

Great podcast that one. Up there with the one where his friends died after s op and then the boyfriend shot himself in their house and they had to clean it up. Doug is a fun version of ant

Also, can you reccomend any cant miss eps of The Stanhope Podcast. Looking to catch up and prob only heard a handfull of eps. Last year sometime i listened to the 30 Days in The Hole and some random eps before I got absolutely frustrated with the problem uploading to iTunes.

Which ep is that? I love doug but couldnt sub to his pod anymore. Whoever loaded it to iTunes always loaded some F'd up version that crashed my phone and froze it.

And then

i think. 2 hours altogether. Its dark. First one is the set up the second one is the pay off.

I love stanhope, forgot he had a podcast. I can't get over 'cruise shit'.


listened to this last night, great fucking podcast. listen to the one before this first where he describes the spanx suit

This was one of my favorite podcasts of his he's done in a while

I just wonder what Patrice would have to say about all this...

Patrice had zero patience for eccentric white folk with blue hair and a goofy nickname so he'd probably applaud Doug for getting laid. He'd probably also advise him to trade Bingo in for the younger chick. Who knows if he'd have actually meant it, but it's most likely what he would have said. #glassdildos

These are two of the most unique people on the planet. How the fuck are they gonna replace each other? And that house? So, she takes the giant letters spelling out her name in the front yard and he gets the chili pepper Xmas lights? How the fuck does he de-Bingo that dwelling?

sounds like she's thinking about doing that herself.

they seemed like an awkward fucking couple in the stern interview

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