Norm Macdonald accuses Tony Hinchcliffe of stealing his bit

40  2016-01-22 by tigerwoodshairline


You know it's serious when Norm isn't tweeting play by play golf analysis'

Norm's trying to trick us into watching Hinchcliffe's new special. The ultimate troll.

I generally like the guys Rogan does. Segura and Diaz are great. Shaffir is good. Rogan's good friends with Stanhope and I don't need to tell you how good he is. But Hinchcliffe is truly terrible. I don't get it.

Shaffir is good


Basically, in Tony Hinchcliffe's "One Shot" special he has a very similar bit to Norm Macdonald's "Janice" bit about serial killers getting lazy during the most crucial part- digging the grave.

Here's Norm's bit:

Tony's bit:

UPDATE: Norm just dropped the bombshell. "Just was sent the bit. Definitely stolen. "Parallel Thinking", no. Stolen."

and now a death threat "You steal jokes, you pay the consequences. I have friends in low places."

and now a death threat "You steal jokes, you pay the consequences. I have friends in low places."

That's not a death threat

He's not terrible or anything but the fact that this guy has a podcast where he lets open micers do 1 minute in front of him and his friends, then try to instruct them on how to do comedy and make fun of them, it just makes this whole discovery much more satisfying. Tss if this story ends up carrying some weight, it will be the time they really did Kill Tony

No, he is pretty terrible.

Holy fuck, Is the entire special like that?? It sounds like he's leaving laugh breaks for laughs that did not come, sounds like the first few minutes of a routine where the crowd isn't sold on the stand up yet

It's bad, man. I heard him on Rogan the day before it dropped and he was so over the top with self-praise. Every other word was CRUSHING, KILLING and MURDERING. Who talks about their own act like that? Utterly hateable.

Eh, this is pretty weak. I've thought the exact same thing while watching those killer shows and I'm sure a million other people have thought it too.

Fuck off with this pap, we're trying to roast a pig here.

Follow up tweet. Doesn't seem like Norm's joking

He's being 100% serious. Its pretty clear. This isn't something he'd come on Twitter to make a "joke" about.


2016-01-22 06:19 UTC

Just was sent the bit. Definitely stolen. "Parallel Thinking", no. Stolen.

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pretty sure he is joking. He made a joke about stealing bits on his podcast as well...

something like

Guest: You know COMEDIAN_NAME used to say that whenever sirens were heard in a shop he'd say "my ride is here" ...he'd say that was his bit.

Norm: Like that mencia Rogan fued about the mexican border wall...everybody was doing that bit.

Could be. And it's Norm. He definitely likes to fuck around. Most of the time I see him tweet, he's live-tweeting a sporting event and it's probably because he's a degenerate gambler but it always cracks me up to scroll through my feed and just see "Rodriguez smacks one up the middle for a single. 1 on, no out." - Norm Macdonald.

Tony hinchcliffe looks like Alexis arquette

He looks like female Jerry.

Dude looks like Nosferatu.

Damn, Rogan's gonna freak when he finds out he backed a joke thief. I actually like Tony for the most part but he's a cocky fuck who needs knocked down a peg or two. A stolen joke on his very first comedy special should do the trick.

He will defend Tony or ignore it. He'll say its parallel thinking and all that. Calling it now

Should be pretty interesting to see what the whole Death Squad crew has to say. It's not like the claim is from some small time or no longer popular comics. Don't know any comic who's ever said anything but crazy amounts of praise about Norm.

If there's one thing the Death Squad crew loves it's drama.

Do they call themselves the "Death Squad" as a joke?

Somehow I feel like Norm is trolling.


Yeah he also tweeted something about having friends in low places in relation to joke thieves. Most likely trolling. But with Norm you never know. But if Norm is serious, he gives zero fucks and will go pretty hard on whoever he thinks stole from him which will be entertaining as fuck.

Tony has less energy on stage than someone found in a shallow grave.

the clip in question

Quick, someone put these clips back to back, put the BaldOpie "For Reals" pic at the end, and post it to /r/videos.

I wouldn't give this any more attention than Norm's giving it. It would only sully his reputation, and I love Norm.

And some Zeppelin riffs turned up to 11 for no apparent reason.

THAT was a clip from his Netflix special that he put out willingly? A few laughs here and there and his hipster sweater. Jesus, what has comedy become?

please tell me this Amy Shumer thing is about to set off a chain reaction of comedians accusing each other of joke stealing to get some attention and it gets completely out of control and doesn't stop until there's a Biggie/Tupac scenario

that would make me laff

Its parallel thinking on this one. Hinchcliffe was just saying on a podcast how he's obsessed with watching Forensic Files and other crime shows. If you're a comedian, you could easily stumble upon that joke if you're watching that shit all the time.

Norm is "Colin light" in that tweet.


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Is it known Hinchcliffe does this bit or something? Im not seeing the connection

It's referring to Tony's serial killer bit on his new Netflix special "One Shot"

I don't have netflix. If theres a clip of it anywhere that you're aware of please let me know. Definitely need to see it to build an opinion but if Tony stole the joke then some shit needs to get started. Norm is a goddamn legend I view as the only person to rival CQ.

Finding/uploading now

edit: this standup is so terrible i can't find it skimming and watching this whole thing would just be physically painful, ill try for another 10 minutes but this is awful

edit2: got it, uploading -- the bit is similar but it doesn't really seem like he ripped off norm

Yeah, it's not very good. Kinda embarrassing. But I liked the last 5 or 10 minutes.

Alright, Norm has to be trolling.

The bit is basically Tony going through how he loves "The Next 48" and how serial killers are meticulous until it comes to the grave digging part. He basically says just don't stop digging, nobody's ever found a body 75 feet underground. When you watch it, it's very similar...but like I said...could easily be parallel thinking.

He's talking about shows like Forensic Files. Virtually everybody on The First 48 gets their body left in the street. If you want a bit that's actually funny about The First 48, check out Tom Segura's special on Netflix from two years ago. Or here:

Love Tommy Buns.

Yea the idea could definitely sounds like it could be considered parallel thinking but I don't know about the phrasing or presentation until I see it.

They both used the term "shallow grave" and observed that killers must be lazy. Groundbreaking material. That's a shitty pun, but it's still funnier than Tony's material.

Norm's bit that has the joke in it is fucking hilarious and great material


I have no idea who that is.

he opens up for Joe Rogan a lot. Anyone who's a fan of his podcast will be very familiar with him.


actually its quite simillar.. how at the end, the killer botches the grave and that he should dig properly.. but there is big difference, Norms bit is actually funny..

anyway I liked Tony at JRE, so this is quite disappointing..

no, other people did and one guy gives the name of the tony's netflix special and timestamp.

he actually didnt name drop Hinchcliffe

Good I hate that unfunny twink. Ill make a podcast where I judge other peoples comedy and leave my days of cookie making in a tree behind, heres an idea lets kill tony, lets actually kill tony.

Ehh why didn't you call me tony you said you would call me tony

Guys, this is two comedians talking about something that comes up a lot. A lot. It is entirely possible that each came to the same place independently. It's also entirely possible that the kid (who is a lesser comedian that comes off as a sociopath, but likeability shouldn't be a factor here) was riffing on Norm's joke. That's okay too.

They didn't tell the same joke, they bounced off the same point for a few moments. You think Seinfeld hints at murdering every comic that mentions airline food?

Comedians get great by creating their own styles. They get good by stealing. Imitation is essential to practice. The rock revolution was fueled by British dudes impersonating their soul heroes. We've lost sight of this essential link to greatness and it's made our culture petty, possessive, and worse.

Norm is, well, I'm just going to say it; Norm is a high functioning aspy who I love, who I love, but he got Dasseyed on this one. A bunch of fans got mad in his direction and told him to be offended, then showed him the clip. Norm being Norm, I don't think he would have recognized the joke as his own had it not been pointed out to him. So now Norm feels slighted, and the echo chamber of fans is in a frenzy.

This right here is further extension of that. It's a witch hunt without anything worth burning. Stop making rules for comedy. Rules were meant to be shat on, and every fucking comedian should know that by now. Fuck the code. There is no code.

Dude you are completely insane. Are you serious with this? "Comedians get good by stealing?" Do you DO stand up?

You're response seems the insane on out of the two. As its highly emotional and lacking substance. If that offended you I apologize. But it seems to be you're getting hung up on semantics and missing the point. I'm not defending anyone here, just saying: Influence/parody/satire/theft, it's a fine line. Do you even CALM down?

If you watch both clips it does not seem stolen at all. Hinchcliffe sucks balls but I don't think it's stolen based on the two clips

I watched the special yesterday, I didn't mind it. I can definitely see why he's not so popular with this sub, but his sleepyhat joke was pretty good IMO.

What's coincidental, though, is during Tony's special he makes a Mencia joke - so if he's stealing he's blatantly hypocritical in his own special about it


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No where does he say hinchcliffe except for you OP, if anything on Twitter there is a lot of people say jay mohr had a similar bit

It's referring to Tony's serial killer bit on his new Netflix special "One Shot"

The bit is basically Tony going through how he loves "The Next 48" and how serial killers are meticulous until it comes to the grave digging part. He basically says just don't stop digging, nobody's ever found a body 75 feet underground. When you watch it, it's very similar...but like I said...could easily be parallel thinking.

Finding/uploading now

edit: this standup is so terrible i can't find it skimming and watching this whole thing would just be physically painful, ill try for another 10 minutes but this is awful

edit2: got it, uploading -- the bit is similar but it doesn't really seem like he ripped off norm