Not schumer hate but doug stanhope's most recent podcast was fucking great

7  2016-01-22 by redtheftauto


It was hilarious than it took a turn. I never had to deal with mental illness as bad as Bingo luckily but I like broken women just as much as stanhope. I have some fucked up stories. Luckily I'm all alone in the world right now. It's great having nobody to suck my dick with the correct rhythm and laugh at my silly ideas. Hold me tight /r/opieandanthony

Holy shit I was gunna post this cuz it was so fucking far out there, then I remembered the nazis on here who downvote me when I bring up TACS related shit as it's the "wrong reddit." This really was the best thing I've heard since probably Gregshells 1.


I'll check it out, I stopped listening a little bit after tin can rehab but I love Doug so I guess its time to check back in.