what is up with you guys this week?

0  2016-01-22 by [deleted]



you say weird shit to people, dude

Rosa Parks taught us to not sit by and watch social injustice go unpunished. If we let Amy steal jokes willy nilly without objecting to it then we'd be as bad as those nigros who got up out of their bus seats for whitey.

Hi Jimmy!

Trying to make people aware a thief is a thief is a bad thing? And why is it ok to give Opie and Ant shit about their behavior but not Jimmy?


I don't think trying to make it more well known that a lot of people consider Amy a joke thief is necessarily trying to start controversy, at least not just for the sake of doing so.

this is a reaction to a thing that happened... 3 comedians came out on twitter and accused Schumes of stealing their jokes

The cunt won't even look at me

Just chilling, you?


Oh hey, its this topic again. Some people are just assholes who want to watch the world burn. We are those people

Most likely because she is a pig faced, unfunny bitch. She got offended by a 17 year old kid cracking a joke about her. Fuck her.

And fuck Jimmy "same 3 jokes" Norton.

Oh yeah? Well I think you seem like a strange turn this sub has taken for no reason.

Your just saying that because we're female, smart, in a relationship, successful, and played white guys on TV for a few years to get our bearings. We don't care what Tammy Pescatelli told you about us. She's the Bob Levy of female comics. No need to pay her any mind. We are righteous. Just because we joke about ourselves being critical it does not give you the right to call us critical. We got people that have copyright lawyers on salary to shut off critical nonprofit videos of our product. Ok, now we'll take callers that consist of the only people dumb enough to listen live.

We did it for the lulz

Full blown SJW army up in here this week.