Luis J Gomez's contrived attempts at generating heat on the internet are kind of pathetic.

10  2016-01-21 by [deleted]



I actually give him credit for the attempt, in an entrepreneurial scumbag sense. Dummy's mistake was telling everyone about it. Now he looks like a silly goose.

He's at that precarious moment in a comedians life when he's realized he's picked the wrong profession.

Imagine being YEARS into a carpentry apprenticeship but still not knowing how to swing a hammer.

That's how Luis feels right now, he is in full panic mode because he's an unfunny uninteresting moody mess of a person.

He and Dave Smith should be the Puerto Rican Otto and George. Dave could sit on his lap and do the only thing that he does in life, which is a bad luis impression and luis could smoke a joint. The LOS burnouts would eat it up.

I love how you are trying to shit on him. But you still said the "J" in his name. LMAO he's got you whipped...

About a week ago I showed my friend the LOS video of Luis throwing water on that unfunny broad. Not even 2 days later, we're drinking at another friends and said friend of mine drops his drink and catches it really fast, some of it spills on his hand and he shouted "God fucking dammit" looked up at his girlfriend, grinned ever so slightly, and tossed his drink right in her asian face. She immediately began crying and ran upstairs. He looked at me and went "Why did I just do that?" All I could do was say "Cause you're a real ass dude, that's why." The drunk laugh we shared at his girls expense, well i'm pretty sure it's the only good Luis has ever brought into this world.

So there's that.

At least the water didn't get into her tiny Asian eyes

The best outcome for the petition to ban him from podcasting is if only a handful of people bother to sign it.

Luis is a dumb-dumb.

I'm going to say still about 70% less desperate than the youtube faggot redbear or some shit.

It cracks me up how this sub has turned on Luis... LoS certainly isn't nearly as good as it used to be, but this? He is taking this subs strategy verbatim, if you hate him for it... You should probably hate this sub for it's strategy on Opie, Amy, Jimmy, Ant...


That's the thing, he isn't funny enough to build an audience. Have you seen his stand up? It's complete dogshit, so he has to do lame "controversial" things to remain relevant.

He's basically a younger, slighty less hateable Puerto Rican Opie.

He's never made me laugh unless it was at him.