Let's recap: Amy has...

2  2016-01-21 by Jackthejew

Stolen jokes

Raped a man

Committed larceny and theft

Verbally attacked a 17 year old

Is currently dating a known racist who puts on blackface and does minstrel shows for all we know

Was indirectly responsible for the death of a highschool classmate

Anything else?


Starred in a movie that was so bad, John Cena was the only good thing about it and Colin Quinn I guess

I would add Dave Attel to your disclaimer.

seriously though, the movie was pretty bad until the dance thing at the end, that really made it awful I felt embarrassed watching it.

I think you misspelled stunning and brave

She said she was fingered by a dirty cabbie.

That story alone is enough to justify that 17 year old's joke.

Her responses :

  1. You're only saying I stole because I'm a woman and you're jealous
  2. Women can't rape men
  3. I'm a woman I wouldn't steal I don't need to
  4. His joke was tasteless and implied a woman was a whore. Slut shaming
  5. He's a feminist so it negates all bad qualities plus he's a chubby chaser
  6. I cannot be held responsible , gun control, fat shame, feminism


Raping a man is nothing compared to stealing a joke.