Jimmy 'Friendzone' Norton

18  2016-01-21 by keatnzs

I'm sure he was edging when he knew Amy was going to do the interview in his apartment. You can hear the giddiness in his voice when he talks to her in certain parts, the over-enthusiastic laughing. Poor Jimmy.


Look, I like Jimmy but...when you're famous, have money and a cool job yet you're still a lonely, blinking, self-loathing mess...maybe I'm the idiot for liking you. When someone says, "I suck", over and over...after a while I should probably agree with you.

I don't know why, but he has a child-like concept of loyalty. You're not allowed to address what everyone else is thinking and talking about because she's a comic? Who gives a fuck? Jimmy has defended many comics over the years that wouldn't give two shits about him or his career if it was him in this situation.

I don't understand why Jimmy will never, for any reason, call out/shit talk another comic when they deserve it. It isn't like Jim and all other comedians are war heros in some kind of brotherhood where you can't criticize each other. They are fucking comedians who tell jokes for a living for Christ's sake.

Nah, they're a sacred brotherhood of oversensitive faggots.

What an original username you have, cunt.

Thanks, friend!

xoxo sweet cheeks!

Jimmy "cutting room floor" Norton

When her blackfacing beta leaves her, Jim will provide a fine shoulder to be devoured by clammy, tear-soaked flesh.

Jimmy "I asked her to a day date and got a hug at the end" Norton

Is that is the same date (something about a windmill?) where he lied to himself and everyone saying it was just a friend date and he didn't expect anything. Right.

That's the one

I'm sure he was OK with a hug after paying for an entire multi-day date, and didn't go home and act out by angrily jerking off.

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