Worm's former opener Jolly Holm guest spotting on his show is the pinnacle of his pathetic 20+ year "career".

4  2016-01-21 by A_Faulty_Robot

They are actually going to cut the OnJ show short so they can play it in it's entirety, even though they already spent the first half of the show talking about it. Even though this probably won't have much effect on Jolly's career at least I know for sure that Jimmy is a bag of shit.


Take the characters out of his arsenal, and he is as hacky a stand-up as you'll find.

We all forgetting he has been the funniest thing on radio? Yes the characters a big part of it, but he still has a razor sharp comeback arsenal and comedic timing. Hell Anthony is as his best around him.

Stand-up wise he stinks, but he still is a funny person

hes a funny person in aggregate with someone else. An extra pinch of salt to an actual comedians full meal. Thats why all his individual projects stink.

Jim needs to say thank you to us for this career highlight.