Holy shit, ABC News was just playing clips of Amy on the Jim Norton advice show.

42  2016-01-21 by JunkerHQ


Interview clips are everywhere in mainstream media right now.

Just remember, Tits once again failed to go viral. Amy chose Norton's little show over Opie Raqio for a reason. That's hilarious.

But Opie got the EXCLUSIVE upload of jimmy's show onto his youtube.

Lol it says " the skinny"

Also you're welcome Norton you've left Opie in the dust and are a national mainstream big deal for the next few hours.

Being a caddy is the HARDEST job I ever had!


Jesus Christ dude, how old is your TV?

Thats an office I think (the fluorescents)

Haha, nice detective work. I feel silly.

Thats ok I feel silly too

Yeah, i work in a newsroom. We have ancient equipment


Quit the bullshit and tell us how old the fucking TV is.

Look, I don't know for sure. I would put it around 1999.

Ok ty.

Can we get a thank you from u/TheRealJimNorton yet?

EDIT: LOL I just realized they called this segment "The Skinny" ahaha someone over at ABC is hilarious

Tits & Skinny, coming next October.

Did they play my call?

Lmao it's you! I typed you in on Twitter but nothing came up, didn't know you were talking about reddit

Haha, the Jim Norton Podcast....

The Opester™ putting up the numbahs today.

Jimmy be getting them Schyewww-mah shekels any day now.

An outdated photo of schumer, under it 'the skinny'. So much irony it's hard to fathom.

I guarantee Opie is seething inside about this. There is no fucking way he won't be pissed that Jimmy got the big "viral scoop" and didnt bring her on the O&J show.

The Skinny?? Not in 15 years.

Look, I don't know for sure. I would put it around 1999.